Celebrate the New Year in Allods with Fireworks
If episode 50 of the BFF Report made you wonder what's new with Allod's Online, it looks like gPotato will be ringing in the New Year with an in-game fireworks show today, Dec. 30, at 5 p.m. PST. The team will be passing out 100 new fireworks to everyone who shows up. Also, you can purchase wings for your character through Jan. 5.
As far as gameplay is concerned, Patch 1.1.04: The Fury of War went live earlier this month and introduced features such as the Melting Isle, the June Catacombs, the Arena of Death, new vanity outfits, the last boss of Gorluxor’s Tower, Astral ship customization and more.
Tags: AllodsOnline, News