Enjoy Double Exp in Vindictus this Weekend

Also, time is running out to enter our Vindictus launch giveaway!

Whether you're a current Vindictus player or would like to get a head start with your first character, you may want to take advantage of the double exp event that's being held this weekend. As Nexon puts it, "you can earn DOUBLE the Combat/Battle Quest EXP for every dungeon you thrash" tonight and tomorrow, Nov. 13-14, from 6-8 p.m. PST each night.

Speaking of Vindictus, you still have time to enter our Vindictus launch giveaway for a chance to win a Killer 2100 Gaming Network Card and more! The contest ends on Sunday at 11:59 p.m. PST, so head over to the contest page and enter your information now!


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