Im sorry for all you whiners and people who think content is too easy now compared to vanilla and TBC, but for the casual player and not so hardcore raiders its nice to be seeing end game content unlike TBC where if you were only in a hardcore guild did most even see the inside id Tempest Keep or Black temple let alone sunwell.
Blizz has done the smart thing in giving the casual player a chance to get the good equipment and at least see some of ICC if not all. they have to bring out a product that will be at least a middle ground from casual to hardcore.
Now from what i have read/seen the dungeons are getting a push back into where you actually have to work for your equipment. and im sure raids will be back to being more difficult for those of you who like wiping endlessly before even downing your first boss will make you all happy to be spending your hard earned gold on those even bigger repair bills.
Now granted i dont like things too easy but im not a hardcore raider. I like to get better equipment like everyone else but i dont want to have to work months just to down the first few bosses. a learning experience is great but anything too difficult and youll see the casual player leaving the game since they will never be able to to the end game content.
and once again for all you QQers about leaving the game cause its the same old same old ether suck it up and play on or at lease make constructive criticism that may help the developers make a game that will make both the casual and hardcore player want to play the game. (and again thats what heroic modes are for)
WoW Surpasses 12 Million Players Worldwide
Blizzard attributes this milestone to the launch of Wrath of the Lich King in mainland China.
Blizzard just announced that the subscriber base for World of Warcraft now exceeds 12 million players worldwide. The company attributes this milestone to the recent launch of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion in mainland China and the excitement surrounding the release of Cataclysm on December 7.
So let's look at the list of noteworthy World of Warcraft news: the game just surpassed 12 million players; BlizzCon will be held later this month; WoW will celebrate its sixth anniversary on November 23; and Cataclysm comes out on December 7. It seems to be a good time to be a WoW fan. What do you think? Will the subscription base get another boost following the launch of Cataclysm?
Tags: News, WorldofWarcraft