Play Champions Online... for FREE!
To celebrate their one year anniversary, users can play Champions Online for FREE from September 1st to September 7th!
Happy Anniversary, Champions Online! The team has decided to celebrate their big one-year anniversary with players by giving everyone the opportunity to play CO for free from September 1st to September 7th! Even for players who have never purchased the game before, you can still check out this awesome MMO if you would just sign up on the Champions Online website. In addition to celebrating their one year anniversary with some awesome free game time, the CO team is also planning to throw a massive C-Store sale for all players, giving a whopping 20% discount on nearly everything in the C-Store, in addition to some special in-game events that will be running throughout their Anniversary Celebrations. So be sure to check out Champions Online from September 1st to the 7th, starting at 10:00 AM, and get your free gaming on!