AO Daily Update
Here's Today's Update from the official site:
A lot of people are asking about how many subscribers and players Anarchy Online has. Also, the issue of exploits is discussed with fervour on the message boards.
After two months we have about 60,000 active accounts. The game is currently only released in North America and in the Nordic countries, so the majority of our customers are from these countries. On the 28th of September, the game will be released in Germany, France, UK and the Benelux countries. We look forward to welcoming more people to the game world. During peak hours we have about 10.000 players on the two Rubi-Ka dimensions, with a 75/25 split between Rubi-Ka 1 and 2.
The most serious exploit-bugs have been solved through the last few patches. Unusual movements in level and credits have been fewer over the last week. The hunt for exploiters has also been stepped up. During this week we found 7 players that cooperated in duping items. The seriousness of the exploit made it necessary to ban them from the game. We will continue this work to make it clear that we expect people to report exploits and protect other players from this behaviour. The new guidelines are very clear on our policy against exploiters.
Yesterday we released a server-patch to improve server stability. Based on the server-log we are able to observe an improvement in the stability. However, there still remains more work to do for the team in this area.
Tags: AnarchyOnline, News