The Final Day of ZAM's E3 2010 Awards

Today, we acknowledge the best of the best, from Best in Show to the best in each of the MMO categories of Real Life, Fantasy and Sci-Fi. Read on the the mega-list!

Best Sci-Fi Game

Winner: Star Wars: The Old Republic

It was hard not to pick this game as the best in its class. Granted, we have had some reservations about it prior to E3, but any problems we thought we had were quickly washed away when we got our hands on the playable classes. LucasArts finally showed their talking points with some very nice voice acting and a glimpse at the deeper story planned for each class. We've wanted this game to be good ever since the last Star Wars MMO flopped, and all indications are finally pointing to that being the case. Our play time at the show has us anxious to get time in with the other classes and dig deeper into the Star Wars universe. And, when you play a game at a show like E3, that is the way you should feel. LucasArts left us wanting more, this time in a good way.

Runner Up: Jumpgate Evolution

There has been a need for more space-based MMO shooters. Not because the existing offerings are bad, but only because they are limited. The original Jumpgate opened the eyes of many that playing in a true 3D space could be done and done well, while adding some nice game play and story. This game is indeed the evolution of the original and promises and even deeper experience, with promises to let the players build the story. We were impressed with the mission structure and the visual splendor of the game's environments, as well as the setup of the game as a pure PvP platform. It is definitely a worthy adversary for any of the space-based MMOs coming out in the near future.


Best Fantasy Game


Winner: TERA

In our preview, we talked at length about how the demo immersed us in the fantasy world, while at the same time teaching us how to play our class for the mission at hand. That demo went a long way to making the decision of TERA as Best Fantasy Game a no-brainer. The game is doing innovative things with UI and game play and they weren't afraid to show all their talking points in action at the show. Some publishers show a game and keep to specific talking points, but letting you get in and get your hands dirty against some tough enemies took a lot of guts. TERA is not for the faint of heart, and the developers pulled no punches in showing the game, as evidenced by the fact that my group wiped on the boss. We can only hope that the entire TERA experience will be as electric and gratifying when the game is released.

Runner Up: Final Fantasy XIV

When you have the name Final Fantasy in your game title, there are already high expectations. And Square Enix was able to deliver, not only with a close up look at the character creation and customization process, but also one of the early quests in the game.

Only limited play time kept us from diving deeper into what looks like another stellar Final Fantasy title, worthy of recognition.

Next: Best Trailer



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