E3 2010: ZAM Interviews Hiromichi Tanaka


Coverage from different sources continues to pour in and now you can watch as ZAM interviews Producer Hiromichi Tanaka with a few quick questions about the game. Will we get low level systems from the start? Why can't you jump in Eorzea? Will UI customization be available? Watch the video under the cut to find out. (L-R: Hiromichi Tanaka, Saori Hill, Yasu Kurosawa)

Gameplay video coming soon, so stay tuned for that.

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more gripes...
# Aug 23 2010 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
I don't get it.

This is a PC / PS3 MMO

Don't they understand that to be insanely successful they need to focus on PC users? ie mouse and keyboard.

There are currently no key-mapping options or other standard tweeks that are in other successful MMOs like Wow, Aion, Everquest, Lineage2 etc.

As much as its over hyped, WoW is still an old time favorite as well as Everquest and Lineage2... the tweeking abilities make ff14 look like a artari 64 compared to a cray lolz.

I did get used to not being able to jump in Lineage2 but I really hated that, at least they don't have the problem of not being able to walk over a mole hill.

I've decided that I might not play if the ability to jump or walk over small ridges isn't implmented.

As well, the better fix the mouse cursor lag or I for one will definitley not play.

no jump for you!
# Jun 17 2010 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
lol besides if they had jumping then you wouldnt have to go 5 miles out of you way just to get to a part of the map you can see when you zone in :P
bad questions...
# Jun 16 2010 at 10:40 PM Rating: Good
you got an interview with the man himself and you asked about jumping and UI customization? .... did they tell you what you were aloud to ask him? why not some more specifics on stats or how the duel lvling will actually work out... how about advanced classes/jobs....skill chaining anything... but seriously ... ui and jump? common.
bad questions...
# Jun 16 2010 at 11:56 PM Rating: Good
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts
Oh go interview him yourself then, Sir Complainypants.
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
# Jun 16 2010 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
304 posts
worst Tanaka looked in any of the interveiws, Get this man a red bull stat!
As long as we can walk over small rocks or slight inclines jump is a non issue as he said, the interviewer didnt explain that as a reason.
Also seems to have put the more races thing to rest.
Busaman the Mighty wrote:
Man I barely remember life before wow. It was hard living in caves for shelter and fending off wild beasts with only a sharpened stick. Men women and children all dying from simple infections Food was scarce, sometimes all we had to eat would be a fallen member of the tribe.

Those were dark days indeed. Thank Raptor Jesus for delivering us from our sins with his only son, the World Of Warcraft

# Jun 16 2010 at 9:11 PM Rating: Default
Ok jumping really doesn't matter a whole lot depending on the environment...unless it's like guild wars. "Oh there is a little hill" and your character is doing some kind of gig to get around it. I hope FFXIV we will be able to scale a wall or even go over a little hill. I don't like feeling cut off by something soooo small. You don't really immerse yourself in a game if your doing that. IT IS NEEDED if you get stuck in the environment of the game. It's kind of a kill joy.
# Jun 17 2010 at 12:20 AM Rating: Good
yah, but jumping in this sense is not needed. its an mmorpg not mario brothers. He is trying to say that jump serves no purpose in this game. and if you played ffxi u would know that a lot of the puzzle aspect of it would be lost if avatars could jump. Eg. the aqueducts in CoP, subby farming, if you could jump that hole place loses it puzzle aspect, at the first gate, you need to lock pick open. They are going the same rout here, were their hidden areas and puzzles in dungeons would be ruined if we could jump over and through obsticles.
# Jun 18 2010 at 10:18 AM Rating: Excellent
35 posts
As some one that has played a great deal of MMO's but not FF XIV it was a great surprise to me that this type of basic interactivity is missing from the game. I guess if your used to it that's fine but new comers are going to wonder why and I would think they would want to attract new players. It's a very basic and expected ability for an MMO.

So I'm glad Mike asked the question but I am disappointed in Mr. Tanaka's reply.
# Jun 17 2010 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
Ok I see what your getting at but there is a new video on a quest with the crabs. If you notice the character gets stuck right in front of a a little sea shell on the floor. Thats an invisible wall and its just retarded to me.
Here is my KICK *** WARRIOR.....that can't run over a small sea shell on the floor? I heard that they might add scaling/climbing...which is totally fine and great! I just don't want to be limited when I'm apart of a natural environment. Don't you agree?
I think you can still have your "hidden areas and puzzles," with jumping, swimming and flying involved. I'll be fine playing the game with no jumping I just want to be able to move around the environment without being subjected to "invisible walls" like sea shells of the bottom of a cave floor.
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