LDoN Adventure System

LDoN Adventure Preview On Tuesday, I had the chance to run through a preview of the Lost Dungeons of Norrath expansion which is due out in early September. Alan Vancouvering was on hand to answer questions, as well as a few people from other Everquest related websites (notably Niami from EQTraders. For the afternoon we grouped up, and got a chance to explore a dungeon using the new adventure system which is included in the expansion. Lost Dungeons contains 48 new zones in 5 generalized themes. There are 10 zones in each of the new themes, except the new Guk zones which have 8. This afternoon we were in Everfrost Peaks heading to Miragul’s Menagerie. For each theme there is a camp of adventurers with an Adventure Recruiter, an Adventure Rewards Merchant, and a Adventure Raid Recruiter. This is where groups will talk to the adventure recruiter and receive the adventure. For each theme your group starts in a different zone, Butcherblock mountains for Mistmoore, Everfrost for Miragul’s, South Ro for Guk, North Ro for Takish, and East Commons for Rujarkan Hills; although the starting locations are obviously subject to change. We formed up our group and talked to the Adventure Recruiter – Mannis McGuyett who asked us to help with a strange power growing in Miragul’s Menagerie. Asked to seek out and kill Frostweaver, we were told that we’d be able to find the start to our adventure through a snowy mine in Everfrost peaks. The snowy mine was just over a hill from us and when our group leader accepted the Adventure a line appeared on our compasses to make it easier to find the entry to the dungeon. We headed on over to the dungeon, using the compass to guide ourselves, and soon enough a dark mineshaft appeared in the ground in front of us (surrounded by the corpses of many recent adventurers/testers). Once we zoned in, the zone in area appeared to be relatively safe, with just one spider standing nearby the entry to the dungeon. Icy vapors rose from the floor and many of the corners, and most of the dungeon seemed to be constructed of blocks of ice and snow. The creatures in this dungeon were wooly spiders, ice goblins; some ice constructs of a sort and some whirling ice/vapor sort of things. As we fought in, the fights varied in size and intensity, the monsters did not appear to hit too hard for our level 25 characters, and we progressed reasonably quickly. While we accompanied by a GM who kept us healed, and sped our progress, a group of real level 25s would find this to be good fights, with the ability to rest and regain mana or health between them. When you accept an adventure, you have 30 minutes for any member of your group to zone into the adventure dungeon. This timer allows your group to travel to the dungeon without running down the adventure timer itself. The moment a member of your group zones into your dungeon instance, the Adventure Timer begins. You will have 90 minutes to complete the task you've been assigned by the adventure recruiter. This timer is intended to keep you moving and provide a bit of a challenge to the adventure or raid, assuming you decide to go after the main target of the raid. An adventure requires a group of 4 or more people to begin it, and always has a task that you’re asked to complete, although this task can vary from rescue a hostage, kill a specific monster, collect items, or just kill certain numbers of monsters. There are eleven total difficulty settings ranging from Level 20 to level 65 (hard), and raid datasets in some zones as well. In total this makes for over 2,500 adventures, with 384 available to any player at a time. You always have the ability to request a ‘Hard’ adventure which uses the zone datasets for the next step up, or in the case of level 65 characters a specially designed hard setting. Each setting for each dungeon was made by a game designer, with a mix of static spawns and wanderers, and for me at least - much of the care evident in zones like Guk, Chardok, and the Hole is evident in these new zones. This isn't randomly generated content. Spread throughout the dungeon are some rare monster spawns, although you cannot “camp” inside most dungeons as they do not respawn. Additionally there are the new interactive objects in the dungeon as well. In our adventure we came across two: a box and a chest. (Although the rewards haven’t been placed yet, so opening them was somewhat anti-climactic) Rogues and bards have the ability to use lock picking and trap disarming skills to open these objects, while Enchanters, Magicians, Necromancers and Wizards can cast a line of spells to open some as well. Yet other objects depend on the priest classes to remove curses to safely open the box. Our box was inadvertently opened by an enthusiastic enchanter *cough* which then required us to spend some time healing and removing the curse I accidentally inflicted on everyone. *whistle* The real reward you seek for taking up an adventure is the successful completion of your task. After fighting deep into the caves in this dungeon we came across the large spider we were asked to find, and managed to slay it. Doing so prompted large yellow letters to appear on the display and we were each rewarded with 2 adventure points. The adventure points can be spent at adventure merchants to buy items. Raids work very similarly to single group adventures, except that instead of 4 people required to start one, you need to have a minimum of 18 people (Max 36) in order to begin a multi-party adventure or raid. Raids have a target as well as a description of your challenge in the window, and a time limit – although in most raids the challenge can be evenly spread between both the monsters themselves and the time limit. Raids also grant adventure points upon completion. Corpses are handled by the adventure system as well. In the event that you have a corpse in a dungeon when it “deconstructs” - almost always a result of failing an adventure, your corpse will appear outside the zone in where you started the adventure. To quickly recap the adventure system: 5 themes for adventures, this controls the type and feel of zone you get. 10 zones per theme (8 for Guk) each is a distinct zone with different layouts. 4 different types of tasks you may be assigned when asking for an adventure 11 Distinctly tuned difficulty settings, with Normal and Hard available to you based on the level (not gear) of your group. When you accept an adventure, once you enter the zone you’re told to find the adventure in, a mark will appear on your compass. 30 Minute timer to get your group to the adventure starting point. 90 Minute timer (variable depending on raid), to complete the task in order to succeed in the adventure. Multiple forms of potential reward – Adventure points, Interactive object rewards, and traditional EQ semi-random loot that we all know and love. --Illia More Screenshots: a_box.jpg adventure-merchant.jpg adventure-text.jpg adventure.jpg closed_chest.jpg cloud.jpg cloud2.jpg cramped-hall.jpg dungeon.jpg entry.jpg erratic_torrent.jpg fight-hall.jpg fight.jpg fighting.jpg final-fight.jpg frogs.jpg frostfoot_brawler.jpg goblins.jpg graveyard.jpg hatchling.jpg inside.jpg open-chest.jpg room.jpg steps.jpg the-boss.jpg torrent.jpg torrents.jpg we-win.jpg Guk Raid Screenshots: aug1.jpg guk1.jpg guk2.jpg guk3.jpg guk4.jpg guk5.jpg


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New Pages for LDON ?
# Sep 16 2003 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
I don't know if this has already been mentioned, or is already in the works, but I think it would be a very good idea to add a few pages listing which items each adventure theme incorporates and how many points each item costs.
LDON questions answered
# Sep 13 2003 at 10:19 PM Rating: Default
Deaths in LDON:

If you die, you can zone right back in again. It is also possible to zone out, and back in. Generally, the zone will stay there for the full time duration, or until you win. After the adventure is over the zone will persist for an additional 30 minutes, to give you a chance to finish up loots, and deal with any chests you found.

However, under some conditions the adventure may end early. I have had that happen to me once so far, on a raid. The thinking is, failure to make progress into the zone (we wiped at the entrance, twice) by a certain point in time will end the adventure early. I haven't had this happen on a group adventure yet though.

Experience is handled normally in LDON zones. In fact, XP is quite good, although not quite as good as POP zones.

So far, all the gear available for purchase with APs has been area-specific. For example, you can only buy gear at the butcherblock camp with points earned in Mistmoore adventures.

One really nice thing about this system is, you can save up your points to buy gear that otherwise wouldn't be available to you, if you aren't part of a powerful guild. If you are a soloer, and are willing to group with a few people, it will give you access to gear of higher quality that would otherwise be available to you.
corpses in zone
# Sep 12 2003 at 11:54 PM Rating: Decent
Actually sat through this today...

30 minute time after adventure expired and friends corpse didn't pop. Waited almost 8 hours for his corpse or a GM to do something. Finally took a GM Admin to restore his character. So if at all possible, get your character's bodies out before the time is up. Was told it was a bug but save yourself the aggravation of waiting.
# Sep 12 2003 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
Never saw anything pre-release about having to have min 4 peeps to play. Not what I call short-session playing (takes 1-2hrs just to get a group)
# Sep 11 2003 at 9:15 PM Rating: Default
Should be able to adventure solo instead of waiting all night for a group of similiar levels.
bag givin with retail version
# Sep 11 2003 at 8:15 PM Rating: Default
I personally think it is'nt fair that all that pre-ordered the expansion dont get the bag like the retail version. :(
RE: bag givin with retail version
# Sep 13 2003 at 9:13 PM Rating: Default
I got the bag, but i reserved my copy at a local Game Store...
# Sep 11 2003 at 8:50 AM Rating: Default
16 hours 28 minutes to download ldon patch even though i kept always up to date with small patches they gave hmm interesting well time to watch tv :)
made me miss a rujurkan hill group that in the end completed task !
My 2cp
# Sep 10 2003 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
I just have to say, I think that from what I have seen and played of LDoN this is the BEST expansion to date!
# Sep 09 2003 at 12:43 PM Rating: Default
Well I'm going! Hope I can play tonight already with some mates and run down one of the babies :)
# Sep 08 2003 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
Sounds like a blast
BUT wat are these points u gain how much is 1 point worth? Is wat u can buy with pp the same as you can buy with points?Can u trade points with other chars eg Bazaa?
RE: points
# Sep 09 2003 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
Points will be like Character Flags and such, they will accumulate for you only. You can spend them at the merchants outside the dungeons that stand near the recruiter. This is just information ive read, and im sure its that simple. So, no trading points, no trading augment stuff. Again, i havent been there but read these things from posts on people who have
The Zolz of many faces.. Shadowhawk
Woot! Looks awesome!
# Sep 05 2003 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
This looks so amazingly fun! I'm totally excited. Unless there are major bugs or problems, LDoN is gonna be the best expansion ever!

Not to mention that now that the technology is in place, they can do lots of new dungeons just like this in the future. They can add new zones in a patch or entire expansions with dungeons (beit raid or group or solo).

This changes EQ forever!
Virtuoso, The Nameless.
Looks fun.
# Sep 04 2003 at 5:24 PM Rating: Excellent
I have spent far more time soloing than I would like, so I'm excited to get this expansion and hopefully make some new friends to group up with.

I'd love to get involved in this with my guild...unfortunately the majority of the guild has fallen into inactivity. I only see one or two people on at a time anymore...and usually they are camped in the bazaar.
RE: Looks fun.
# Sep 09 2003 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
94 posts
Have to agree, soloing can be fun, but gets tedious after a while, and when it goes bad it goes bad fast. While I do group a fair amount, I have generally found it easier to get on and solo then hunt a group up. Some classes need groups more and I play them as well, but unless i get a group fairly quick or have plans with friends, I quite often end up playing a soloable class. With this you need 4 to do a dungeon, 5 gets you more security and exp bonus, 6 adds more security at no exp penalty, and since all get the awarded points when you succeed, you dont have to worry about getting nothing on a dungeon trip loot wise. I plan to park my less solable characters at the recruiters and will be lfg as them before I go solo.
# Sep 04 2003 at 4:48 AM Rating: Decent
Excellent. I can hardly wait for launch day. And guess who doesn't have to work that daySmiley: yippee

Edited, Thu Sep 4 05:54:43 2003
RE: Thanks
# Sep 09 2003 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
94 posts
You would be better off with the 10th off, the 9th will be patching, then probably extended patching, and then most likely about 2 or so hours after comes up, the servers will come down for emergancy patching.
# Sep 03 2003 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
I think this is exactly what EQ has been lacking. I hope it's done well, and I'm sure they'll be fine tuning the system after it's been released.

I hope it's not buggy on launch day :)
# Sep 03 2003 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
Well there be InGame maps for the LDoN zones?
what about the soloer?
# Sep 02 2003 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
Although it does look kind of interesting for those who like to group, it seems that those who prefer to solo don't have a chance to enjoy the new features. You never know the kind of people you will get in a pickup group and the potential for suffering the terrible exp hit with a death makes the risk not worth it. I see no reason for the soloer to even waste the time or money on this expansion.
RE: what about the soloer?
# Sep 03 2003 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
Sorry, but not every expansion has to cater to everyone. They have clearly indicated that this expansion is for people in groups from 4 to 36.

Personally, I think they need to focus on the majority of their players and create new and innovative content. That is exactly what LDoN is about.

Most people who play EQ have at least 3 friends, so they would be able to use the expansion. Although there may be a small number of people who solo 100% of their time, it coudl easily be argued that they have a huge amount of solo content in EQ as it is since so many of the zones are empty. Unless the compaint is about high end 100% soloers, and that group is an even smaller minority.

And lastly - at least you don't have to buy this expansion if you don't use it. They aren't forcing it on you, jsut so you can continue soloing in the content you have.

Maybe they will have an expansion aimmed purely at soloers; and I hope they also clearly mark that expansion as soloer only, so I can save my money and not buy it.
RE: what about the soloer?
# Sep 07 2003 at 5:05 PM Rating: Default
I agree that if a soloist doesn't want to buy LDoN they don't have to. I don't intend to buy it because it offers me nothing of interest to me as a soloist. I just wish I didn't have to click through the pre-order screen every time. In regard to the comment that any solo oriented expansion be marked on the box as such I only ask that the LDoN retail packages be marked "For Group Play only" as well. In regard to what I've heard from the Beta I nearly hurled when I found out they'd introduced a ranking ladder for LDoN players. This is EQ, not Donkey Kong. The introduction of a public "high score" board is a serious blow to the concept of adventuring. What will folks think when they can't get a group because they aren't the "perfect class" for success in LDoN and others don't want to risk their "ladder rank" by getting TPW'ed or fail an objective in a pick up group? What a mess...
RE: what about the soloer?
# Sep 09 2003 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
Just think, with all of us in there adventuring with our friends, there will be more free farm camps for the 'soloers'. All you will need is 3 friends to enjoy the benefits of the expansion.. you must know and get along with ..3? ;)
The Zolz of many faces.. Shadowhawk
RE: what about the soloer?
# Sep 10 2003 at 5:27 PM Rating: Default
In reply: I realize some open zones will be easier to solo due to fewer camps and lower populations, that is certainly welcome. I'm not going to spout some false platitudes of "I have all kinds of friends but just like to solo." In reality I like to roam the EQ world without the time, place, and role constraints grouping leads to. You wonder if I have even 3 friends to join with to play LDoN. The answer is no, I interact with people and joke about stuff but in the sense of "let's be online at x time and make sure you can be on for x hours" I don't do that with anyone. Yes I've heard the old argument "If you never group why play EQ?" Just because I prefer soloing doesn't mean I don't enjoy the dynamic environment brought about by the presence of other players.
I minimize my impact on other folks and ask the same of them. I never train folks if I can take action to prevent it. If a pull goes bad I lead the mobs away and go down swinging or casting, do CR and move on. I never get rezzes, they make the impact of a death insubstantial and I want the shadow of an exp hit in my considerations for each situation. I pay very well for KEI every time I use it. It is a hard spell to get and it aids soloing immensely. Heavens! the anti-social soloist interacting with someone to buy a buff? Yes, it's called commerce, which is a normal function of an interactive environment. I skipped LDoN because it offers me little or nothing new.
Thanks for opening up the outdoor zones a little. I'll take that by-product of LDoN gladly.
RE: what about the soloer?
# Sep 02 2003 at 9:20 PM Rating: Good
I believe from the onset it was stated that this would be an expansion for groups, not for soloers. (Might be a bit late to complain now. ;) )

From what I've seen so far, I can't wait to get my hands on it, and bludgeon my guildmates to do the same. If they don't have it on release day, I'm going down with whoever I can find...

To steal a quote... GOTTA CATCH EM ALL GOTTA CATCH EM ALL! Okay, that might be a bit silly - but I am very anxious to see what kind of loot you can buy with your adventure points. I wish they'd had this sort of loot system in place at release, but I'll take it in an expansion too. Gives everyone a lot of options, it would seem.

Also, all the screenshots I've seen make the dungeons look nice. I hope they have the detail and general feeling that the Ykesha zones did, they seemed much more... for lack of a better word... realistic than zones from the previous expansions. (Although I think Luclin came pretty close to capturing this with Seru and Katta alone, those are both pretty if you have the hardware to view them properly.)
Mistmoore faction?
# Sep 02 2003 at 9:59 AM Rating: Default
Will the Mistmoore dungeons ruin Mistomoore faction for dark elves and ogres?
# Sep 02 2003 at 12:56 AM Rating: Good
Just wondering if you can redo one adventure? For example is it possible that the group in this adventure could go do it again? Would it be possible to do it again at a higher level? It probably wouldnt make much difference for a while, but I've played since June '99... if I play that long again I'm sure i'll run out of things to do here =)

Xev's master of many alts
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 01 2003 at 2:31 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Pay more to play more..can't wait till I can get PoP!
RE: Pay more!!
# Sep 01 2003 at 11:48 PM Rating: Default
Welcome to Real Life...<insert insult here>
If mob level is done by average level in group...
# Sep 01 2003 at 3:16 AM Rating: Good
...could I, at level 65, get 3 friends to get level 30 or 35 characters together, group with them, start an adventure, and have them gate out as soon as it started, thus having a level 40 dungeon all to myself to savagely destroy and reap the rewards? Or, even get a level 55 dungeon and get a great solo area all to myself? Or is there limits to the range in the group when you start the dungeon? Does there have to be 4+ people in your group the whole time?

Also, I'd heard that melee would be able to use weapons (or something) to attempt to bash chests and that sort open, in the event they are lacking a rogue and int caster... has this been abandoned?

Can you tell if a chest/box/weapon rack/whatever is cursed without casting remove curse on it? Is there a Detect Curse spell or something or other, or does it have some visual way to tell?
RE: If mob level is done by average level in group...
# Sep 01 2003 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
508 posts
There are limits in place regarding the group makeup. You can have all the level 30s and 35s together to make a group, but not a 40 or higher. So, no you can't fudge up a dungeon that way to twink your low levels.

Other points I won't address since I am assume they are still under NDA.
# Aug 31 2003 at 2:03 PM Rating: Excellent
Is there a limit on how many of these dungeons can be instanciated at any one time? If so, will there be a wait list of some kind? (Perhaps there is no hard limit, but large numbers of dungeons would cause lag?)

Also, can non-group members come into your group's dungeon at any time?

What determines the "level" of your group? (I'm guessing it is the level of the group leader.) If you have, say, 3 level 50's and a level 40, and the 40 is the group leader, you get a choice between a level 40 and 45 dungeon? If so, do the level 50 characters get less points than the 40?

I think this is an awesome idea and I am so glad they are putting this into Eq when Eq2 is coming out soon - thus they could have made it available in Eq2 only.

That said, I'm sure they are worried about exploits so I am curious if they are tailoring the exact level of the monsters to the power of the group. If a group of 25's goes in with level 60 buffs (or whatever the best buffs are that level 25's can have on them) will the AI compensate for it?
RE: limits?
# Sep 01 2003 at 2:52 AM Rating: Excellent
2,553 posts
Limits: something like 11,000 instances is the limit (it's mind boggling)

non-group: you must be in the adventure to zone in to a given adventures instance. you must be in the group to recieve the adventure.

Level: average group level.

EQ2: EQ and EQ2 are made by entirely separate teams at SoE. The EQ team sees their game as a competative product on the market and wants to do everythign they can to make it competative. EQ2 isn't now, and I doubt it will ever distract from the lifetime of EQ.

Edited, Mon Sep 1 03:42:00 2003
Fumus, draco magus incoluit mare.
Myrx - 70 Holy Priest, Myr - 70 Resto Shaman, Gryd - 70 Prot Warrior
RE: limits?
# Sep 03 2003 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the info!

The 11,000 instance limit is per server or shared between all servers? Even if it is shared, it is a collosal number.

Do different level group member get rewarded with different number of adventure points for the successful completion of the quest?

Lastly, I would imagine that the skills needed to be successful in LDON are similar to existing dungeon skills. Yet I imagine (and hope) it to be more like an old D&D tabletop adventure where the group moves together "clearing" a dungeon as they go (e.g. no pulling, no safe points). Can anyone who has been there comment on this?
Alanth, Dwarf Paly of the 40th Order
# Aug 31 2003 at 2:02 PM Rating: Default
I can't wait to play this expansion. I'm on Tunare server and i'll be dungeon adventuring for a while when this goes live. So anyone looking for grouping send me a tell...unless i'm allready in a group on a dungeon trek. LOL...: )
# Aug 31 2003 at 12:36 PM Rating: Excellent
The only issue I have with this whole thing is touched on by this quote:

Corpses are handled by the adventure system as well. In the event that you have a corpse in a dungeon when it “deconstructs” - almost always a result of failing an adventure, your corpse will appear outside the zone in where you started the adventure.

Example: 2 Warriors, Enchanter and a Cleric go into a dungeon. After 3 mins, some freak thing occurs and the cleric dies while the other 3 survive.

Can the cleric then zone back in to get his corpse OR do the 2 Warriors and Enchanter have to go on a virtual suicide mission? Another thing, is there a way for those 3 chars stuck in there to end their mission immediately and zone out? Thereby saving themselves a very lame suicide death.

Also, IF your entire party dies in there does the zone "deconstruct" immediately to pop your corpses back out OR do you have to wait a full 90 minutes just to try again?

Those are really the only issues I have left about this expansion.
RE: Corpses
# Sep 01 2003 at 2:48 AM Rating: Excellent
2,553 posts
you can run back in assuming you have not failed the adventure (Dying is not failing the adventure, running out of time is) This means that if the cleric dies and he's the only resser, he can run back to his corpse. The lack of respawn in the dungeon makes this relatively fast as well.

Fumus, draco magus incoluit mare.
Myrx - 70 Holy Priest, Myr - 70 Resto Shaman, Gryd - 70 Prot Warrior
RE: Corpses
# Aug 31 2003 at 11:56 PM Rating: Good
2,268 posts
Good point... My guess on the "suicide mission" is that the characters could just turn around and zone out. That would "more than likely" deconstruct the zone popping the corpes outside. Of course, this is all speculation, and I have no idea if that is correct, but that's what makes the most sense to me.
RE: Corpses
# Aug 31 2003 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not sure if just the cleric dies what happens, but if the whole party dies, the zone automatically deconstructs and your corpses are waiting with the rest of the stinking body pile =)
RE: Corpses
# Sep 14 2003 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
not true...my whole party died last night and we were allowed to go back in for the remaining time we had.
RE: Corpses
# Sep 14 2003 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
not true...my whole party died last night and we were allowed to go back in for the remaining time we had.
The point sysyem.
# Aug 30 2003 at 11:34 PM Rating: Excellent
How does it exactly work? I can see from the menu, every dungeon has it's own points, but can those points be spent at all adventure mechants?

Example; if I have 10 points at Mistmoore, can I only spend those at the adventure merchant for mistmoore? Will other adventure merchants have stuff I can buy with my mistmoore points?

Otherwise the game looks kick ***. I can't wait. Finally I can raid as low as lvl. 20.

RE: The point sysyem.
# Aug 31 2003 at 2:52 AM Rating: Excellent
2,553 posts
Adventure points are global, and can be used from any adventure merchant. Individual mention of reward points is done by theme, but your total is what matters, not your total in a theme.

The rewards are fairly unknown at the moment, as they have not been added to the beta test yet.
Fumus, draco magus incoluit mare.
Myrx - 70 Holy Priest, Myr - 70 Resto Shaman, Gryd - 70 Prot Warrior
# Aug 30 2003 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
I can hardly wait. This expansion fits me great. Limited time, so I will only need to get a group and away we go.

By the way, what is the EXP like? I plan to use my Low alts for these, not my Main.

Edited, Sat Aug 30 21:10:18 2003
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