PWE Hints at Upcoming Forsaken World MMO
Perfect World Entertainment has been busy this week preparing for the upcoming Battle of the Immortals closed beta test by slowly unveiling the game's story and features. The company is also in the midst of the Kung Foo! closed beta. Well, a new blog entry has hinted that two new games is just the start for PWE this year.
The blog entry focuses on staying connected to PWE news through Facebook and Twitter, but there is one line that caught our eye:
"That's not even mentioning our upcoming MMO Forsaken World, which is a game we can't wait to start talking about."
The post contains no details on the game, but MMOsite just posted a preview of the free-to-play 3D fantasy MMO. Forsaken World will include five playable races: vampires, dwarves, titans, elves and humans. You can read the full PWE blog post after the jump.
Things are starting to heat up at PWE HQ as we gear up for the Closed Beta of Battle of the Immortals, move Kung FOO! into Closed Beta 2, and of course cook up even more awesome in Jade Dynasty, Ether Saga Online, and Perfect World International. That's not even mentioning our upcoming MMO Forsaken World, which is a game we can't wait to start talking about.
Needless to say, we've got lots of things going on...and we have much more to come! As we announce new details on our current and upcoming games, the best way to keep on top of things is by connecting with us on Twitter and Facebook. Making sure that you're following us on Twitter and Facebook is the best way to keep up to date on all the latest happenings at PWE. This includes new announcements, new videos and screenshots, and much, much more.
So, if you're on Twitter and Facebook, hop on over and give us a follow!
We've got some exciting things on the horizon, so please join our communities on Twitter and Facebook and we'll let you know about all the latest and greatest from Perfect World Entertainment!