Cryptic Wants Your Feedback On Misfit Toys

According to a forum post on the Champions Online website, Cryptic is asking players to list our the top 3 things they liked and didn't like about the "Misfit Toys" event that just recently occurred in Champions Online. The team is also asking players to talk about gameplay features they would like to see in future events. Thus far, the forum post has received about 11 pages of feedback, with many players expressing annoyance over the fight with "Clarence," one of the big baddies of the Misfit Toys event. As well, the somewhat low drop rate of costumes has topped many a players' dislike list.

Whether you like Champions Online or hate it, you certainly have to give Cryptic credit for reaching out to their community time and time again to get valuable feedback. If you have feedback of your own to give, head on over to the Champions Online forums to speak your mind!


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