Bornakk Explains Looting Items with Dungeon Finder

Bornakk has made a post on the official World of Warcraft forums that explains exactly how looting items works with the new Dungeon Finder system. While we're sure many of our readers already have a good handle on these features, it's still worth reading since they have caused some confusion among players.

Here's the tl;dr version: Rolling need is only available for weapons and armor designed for your class, rolling disenchant can only be done if there's an enchanter of the necessary level in the group, and rolling greed will also put you in the running with those who chose the disenchant option.

Also, you can't trade items that you gained in the dungeon once your group members have gone back to their respective realms, so make sure all trades are complete before you leave the dungeon. Check out the full post after the jump for more details. What are your thoughts on the system? Is it fair or flawed?

There has been some confusion regarding looting items when using the new Dungeon Finder system so we would like to take a moment and provide an explanation for some of these new features.

Anytime players are matched up with other players using the Dungeon Finder system, the looting option is automatically set to “Need Before Greed” which is designed to be a fair system that rewards items to the classes they are designed for. While there can be some finer details on how this works, here is an overview on this system:

  • The “need” option is only available for both armor and weapons that are designed for your class. Caster classes and hybrid caster classes can roll “need” on items with intellect and/or spell power while melee classes cannot. Melee classes and hybrid melee classes can roll “need” on the items without intellect and/or spell power. There is an additional restriction that only allows characters to roll for armor items if it’s the armor type that is designed for their class. So since cloth armor is designed for mages, priests, and warlocks only they can roll “need” on these armor types. Then leather armor is for druids and rogues, mail armor for hunters and shaman, and plate for death knights, paladins, and warriors. Keep in mind that these restrictions only apply to items above a certain item level since the breakdown of stats is very different in the early leveling area of the game.

  • We also introduced a “disenchant” option that is open to all classes on all items whenever a player with the sufficient level of skill in enchanting is in the group to disenchant the item that just dropped. If the winner of the item has selected this option the item will automatically be disenchanted and the resulting material(s) placed in the character’s bags instead of the item. Just like it was before the patch, disenchanting any item is not reversible and the item is permanently removed so you should only select this option if you have no plans to use the item or trade it to another player.

  • The “greed” option is open to all classes and all item types but the players who roll greed will also roll against those who select disenchant. The reason for this is that if an item is not a high priority and/or eligible to be rolled “need” on, then other players running the dungeon have an equal chance to get a reward for defeating the encounter.

As far as how the whole Dungeon Finder system works, it matches up characters with others in their entire Battlegroup instead of just their individual realm. Once a dungeon is completed players go back to their respective realms where they cannot communicate or trade with players on other realms, so any items you gained in the dungeon can no longer be traded to another character in the group. If you are considering giving an item to another player, you must do so before either character leaves the dungeon.

We appreciate all of the feedback from the community so far and we will continue to monitor and resolve any questions or issues as they come up.


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# Dec 18 2009 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
The only drawback to this system is that it allows ninjas to get away with a little more than they could before. Just the other day one of my group members ninja'd the frost orb off the last boss in heroic HoS and immediatly dropped team and ported back to his own realm. I couldn't remember the name of the server he was on, so I don't think the GMs would have been able to do anything even if I were to open a ticket.

Granted, it was only a frost orb, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear it happening to other team, and with more valuable drops.
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