3.3 Trailer Released; Core Hound Pup Pet Available

Whether you're currently logged into your server or waiting for your realm to be up and running, Blizzard has released a couple of items today to mark the launch of patch 3.3. The first is the Fall of the Lich King page, which contains the trailer for the patch. If the official site's going slow for you, check out the video on YouTube or after the jump. It's definitely worth watching.

In addition, Blizzard is now giving Core Hound Pup pets to players who have either a physical or mobile authenticator attached to their account. The pet will be waiting for you in your in-game mailbox and it will disappear from your pets collection if you remove the authenticator from your account. All you need to do is reattach the authenticator to get your pet back.

Keep an eye on the realm status page to see if your server is live and check out the patch notes for 3.3 to see what's in store for you once you're able to log in.


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