LDoN to include a new item type

This was posted on the LDoN site yesterday: --------------------- The Lost Dungeons of Norrath introduces an exciting new type of treasure to EverQuest. Using new modular items gained from dungeon adventures, characters are able to modify the powers and effects of their equipment, allowing for a tremendous amount of customization. Using these new items, characters can augment an existing breastplate, for example. Bonding the proper augmentation item to the breastplate might give it +5 strength. Bonding a different augmentation item could give it +6 wisdom. These are just a few simple examples; the new items have a wide variety of possible effects and benefits. Have a helmet that you like, but think needs a little boost? This new item system allows you to customize that helmet and make it fit your character's needs better. Most characters have a favorite item that they've had in their bank for a while. They don't want to destroy it because it holds some memories, a link to the adventures they had gaining it. With this new item augmentation system, those items gain new life and endless potential!


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Good or Bad?
# Sep 10 2003 at 9:54 PM Rating: Default
When people start the augumentation process on their items they choose to sell in bazaar,the prices will skyrocket.If you thought twinked characters were upsetting before, what will this bring.Don't get me wrong,I am thrilled about all of this but there are going to be some major uber items floating around out there that little level 10 and 30's would like to get their hands on.If I am misunderstanding the scenario here please tell me.But from what I understand, the whole "leveling" process might be greatly affected by this whole augumentation thing, let alone weapons that were not meant to be stat-changed for obvious reasons.
epics and augmentations
# Sep 08 2003 at 1:54 AM Rating: Default
Concerning epics and the new augmentation item.
I agree it would be nice to be able to augment your epics so they remain potentialy top of the line gear.
At the same time i'd like to quote a reply i gave to a guild mate who said his epic item stunk so he wasn't going to do it.
"Don't forget (name of guildy) that the possesion of the epic item is as much a status symbol as anything. It shows you accomplished the most difficult quest for your class and can bring respect of others."
My epic is a 2hs weapon and i prefer 1hs and bash but i'm going for my epic just to be able to say i accoplished it. If i ever use it great and if it can be augmented even better but if not no sweat i'll still have the status of compleating it.

level 40
Dwarf Paly
Possible balances
# Aug 07 2003 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
Just one thought as far as X item upgrading Y weapon/armor. I agree most people (not all, so don't fire up the flamethrowers yet) on EQ are closer to computer gamers than roleplayers, and thus will augment their best weapon and not some favorite old weapon. But some ways to allieviate that would be older weapons having more upgrade "slots", thus bringing them closer or even surpass planar weaponry. Alternately, the augmenting items could interact with older items better...say it adds a +2 str to the new ubah planar weapon, but +6 str to the outdated ones. Just some possible solutions to make all weapons in the game viable for actual use, old and new.

Rangers Lead the Way
Bolaen Bladestryke
55th Season Karanan Ranger
# Aug 07 2003 at 9:14 AM Rating: Default
bah at least your epics are items this will not help the mage epic
# Aug 06 2003 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
"but in that game weapons and armors had slots that you could upgrade stuff.... Like these feathers that took up 2 slots could be put in there and combined to get say 2 str."

That would be perfect! I really hope it's like that, and the extra feather or whatever would show up as a graphic on the sword. Maybe once you add those magic gems, the item could become no drop, and if you wanted that extra stat enhancement, you could buy it seprate.
# Aug 06 2003 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
551 posts
Could go either way:

Good: fair us of decent stat/effect "augments" to make older gear better in the later game... with "special" augmentations on some of the more "epic" items... like a combination of augmentations (with extremely rare uber mob drops) that only work in each classes epic... making them much more powerful than some of the high end Planar gear...

Bad: buggy, messed up augmentation that leaves our items only a bit better (or worse) than anything else out there... race/class/deity restrictions that are clearly unbalanced, and a confusing way of implementing it that leaves people with 'broken' items...

Let's hope for the best, and expect the worst...

seems funny how about 100 posts ago.. I said they're turning this RP game into more of an uber-fest like Diablo... now they're implementing more features of Diablo... only a matter of time...
Pain Lord Darknyss Grimscale
92 Iksar Crusader of the Greenmist
I think i may have found an item.
# Aug 06 2003 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
Hullo.... Well there are 2 things to discuss.. 1 is maybe they will make the items sort of a container thing so you can only put in so many items... it would be cool if it also altered the item graphic some how.... 2nd thing is i found a chipped jasper in CC the other day... it's non equipable no tradeskill notice and somehow it has +2 wis... glad i didn't sell it.
Quit wWhining
# Aug 06 2003 at 3:07 PM Rating: Default
I'm kinda new at EQ, but i've seen this idea in a LOT of other games, and it usually just made me spend more time running around fighting exhausting amounts of the same enemy just to get the right drops for the upgrade (think FFX). I say, just wait and see, then you can complain. Until we see what SOE does with this, we can't just start to whine. Be quiet until you know what you're dealing with.

Shadowknight of Innoruuk
Vallon Zek Server
a good idea
# Aug 06 2003 at 3:05 PM Rating: Default
What they could do is make each item have slots inside it kinda like your gear and only so many of these items can be thrown in there... on a side note i was hunting in Crystal Caverns the other day and an Orc dropped a chipped jasper.. a gem whith nothing no slots.. just a +2 wis on it... can't be equipped and it didn't have a tradeskill message... Arildor Rothgart 49 paladin Vazaelle
Upgrade Suggestions
# Aug 06 2003 at 1:41 PM Rating: Default
I seem to see a pattern coming through; people seem to want to upgrade their current gear to get even better gear, instead of making old items worthwhile. If I was programming this in, there is an easy way to cap that - The "augmentation" can't be used to raise a stat higher than what the item already has. I.E., if you put a +6 wisdom augmentation on a Totemic Helm (+5 Wis), it just raises it to +6, not +11. That way, nobody will do that. Instead, they would put it on any of the other Totemic pieces (that don't have Wisdom) to make it better. Of course, there will be restrictions on how many augmentations can go on one item (probably one, but hopefully more). It would help those of us who went through a lot to get certain item with special effect, but no real stats, a much better item. Hehe, maybe even up my monk's Shackle of Tynnonium with a +10 Dex, making a nice rounded item. =) I'm looking forward to LDoN everyday; more items, more quests, improvements to existing stuff, and no need to raid every day I'm on. Sounds good to me.
D2 comparison
# Aug 06 2003 at 1:00 PM Rating: Default
in D2 you take the level 30 required sword. i chose warrior's ancient sword. this is + to attack and dmg. then i add a perfect skull. now it has lifesteal and manasteal. comparable item is very hard to find/get or requires higher level than i can use. that is why you socketed in d2. that and you stick the 15 to all resist rune in everything so you are still 75+ resists in hell. hell difficulty starts at -100 all resists for those who dont play D2.
RE: D2 comparison
# Aug 06 2003 at 1:02 PM Rating: Default
need to only allow so many "sockets" or only so many types of upgrades. need to be able to replace or upgrade your old ones like +2 change to +6. would be very cool
My rant ^_^ Enjoy
# Aug 06 2003 at 12:22 PM Rating: Default
It amazes me to read things such as "worthless epics" and "old items; waste of time" Epics are the end all of the game, at least they are suppose to be. The biggest let down in the game (in my opinion that is) are the epics and their quests being shadowed by the new items. I can not believe that they would even make items better than the epic's and still call them just that, epics. Those who have worked hard for their epics should be able to upgrade them... even if it means a new quest to make the epic an actual epic or to be able to upgrade the items stats and use with this new feature in the game. Epics are not easy, those who say they are a waste of time because of the newer UBAH items now offered have obviously failed to remember one point. To get your epic you must quest. and to quest is the whole point of this game.. Epics are the biggest quests of all in this game. sure their are bigger items out there for each class... but what fun are those to get when you know you did not truely work your butts off for weeks/months on end to get the item of your desire?
RE: My rant ^_^ Enjoy
# Aug 07 2003 at 3:29 AM Rating: Decent
Epics are Kunark era Particle weapons... they're FAR from the end all of the game

The only reason they're still useful is they were way overpowered when they first came out.

as Far as I know, VI, and Later SOE never referred to these as "Epic weapons". That's a player name for them
RE: My rant ^_^ Enjoy
# Aug 07 2003 at 10:53 PM Rating: Default
He said that the "Epics are the end all of the game, at least they are suppose to be"... he never said they actually are.

And, also, VI said, before Kunark was released, that Kunark was going to have "epic quests" for every class that were to rival the Soulfire/Fiery [Avenger/Defend] (can't remember which one was the non-Kunark one) quest(s). So, they never called them epic weapons, but they indirectly gave them the title.
RE: My rant ^_^ Enjoy
# Aug 06 2003 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
Why is it when Verant adds content, improves gameplay, evolves the genre, gives customers what they want, there is always someone who will /cry about how "it used to be" and rant about thier uber item/character not being so uber anymore. Ummm if your epic isnt as good as the new weapon you just got, and you feel bad about it, gimme the new weapon and swing away with nostalgic bliss my friend. There are still many usefull epics in the game and all epics are better than most drops. I remember not so long ago Verant bumped up the epics with secondary quests. Hmmm it also doesnt take a brain surgeon to realize its only a short time before they do something similair again...oh wait, items that can upgrade items are incoming, well shoot me now please I guess they do actually have brains up there in HQ.

Who knows what they will do, maybe epics will be allowed two upgrades to a normal single upgrade per magic item. Maybe there will be epic only upgrades that are uber compared to the normal upgrade. Hell I can think of any number of options that would work well regarding epic upgrades and you can bet Verant will too. So lets not jump the "rant" bandwagon till the horse cart comes to a complete stop and we all know whats on it, kk thanks =)

top idea, about time
# Aug 06 2003 at 12:04 PM Rating: Default
just my 2 pennies worth, this is kinda like the items in diablo 2 making custom weapons etc, good plan in my mind
example a human cleric of innoruuk after a lot of factioning gets his regent symbol of innoruuk of the dark elves, a few levels on and all that hard work goes to pot when better comes along or he gets enough plat to buy a new one in bazaar, being able to quest for upgrades to that amulet would put the spirit of everQUEST into the game again, shame all the power mongers and mutants that think they have been there done that with a level 65 character in 3 months dont agree but hey ho.

Darek bloodforge 54 cleric Antonious bayle
# Aug 06 2003 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
Why would anyone use there "augment" Gem/whatever to upgrade and old item? I hear people talking about adding stats to worthless epics ect. But if you had something better...why wouldnt you just add the +stats to the newer better item?! Maybe im missing something but say you got a +6 str gem or some such... why would i add that to my epic over say my windblade of greatstaff of the four winds? I wouldnt. End result, no old items are gonna be worth anything more then they currently are.
RE: Why?
# Aug 06 2003 at 12:49 PM Rating: Default
I'll tell ya what. You are right that putting the stat enhancing gem/item/module to an already uber item will make it an even more, i dare say, UBAH item. However, let me paint you a different picture. I am Rohq Sasha al J'ah (Rohq J'ah for short), a Jharin of my people. I have been blessed with an absolutley beautiful Shar Vahl Garrison Blade. But it isn't the greatest item in the world. I would love to augment the HELL out of it, and make it a bit more utilitarian, and not just eye candy. ( if you don't know what a Shar Vahl Garrison Blade is, it's the weap that the Shar Vahl Guards carry; got the shield to =) ). That, as far as I am concerned, is my big thing for these new items. Now if only I could get a second one.

Rohq Sasha al J'ah the Jharin
Brell Serilis
RE: Why?
# Aug 06 2003 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
As a Ranger, and not yet epified, I would love to throw some stats onto my Swarmcaller, maybe a bit of dex to make it proc more - sigh...
Lets see how this whole thing shakes out, not expecting it to be the magic bullet that fixes most people's whines about EQ, but you never know.
RE: Why?
# Aug 06 2003 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
Well thats different. You will be using it for RP purposes. Now im not going to make a guess about how many people share the same thoughts or RP as you do. But in MY experiences...those people who would take an augmentation and put it on an inferior item for looks/status/ect, Instead of the ones they use day-in and day-out for utility, Are few and far between. Sooo i dont think this change will have any effect on the enconomy, as most people will slap augments on already "Ubah" gear and in most cases the most "Ubah" gear is ( 9 times out of 10)no drop...Hence, no effect on the "Economy"
If done right...cool
# Aug 06 2003 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
I personally like this idea. I mean, we all have our own personal favorite items that we spent a long time gaining (some in crafting, questing, etc) that just lose their shine after a few new items come out. I know I personally do. It would be extremely cool to breathe new life into these items and wear them proudly once again. But, as with any feature in any game, it has to have it's limitations or it will overpower. Basically, I'm optomistic about it.
my 2cents
# Aug 06 2003 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
im sure i'll get flamed for this but Woot, finally a feedback i gave coming into play ( sure im not the only one ). As for as this makeing crappy gear good, i serioulsly doubt it. The items needed to upgrade armor and what not im sure will be on the rare to ultra rare side, and if you did get one, why would anyone waste on a crappy item when they could save to later enhance a great to uber item ? Most who said they hate this idea have complained about finaces of the game. SOE is a company and money is there focus, so taking that into account, i know id wouldnt do anything to cheapen the product of my company so why would they ? If peeps leave eq. no money for soe . So why would they cheapen a game loved my many and cause decease in rev's ? Think just for a min are to before you speak, allways better to act, than to react. Just my 2cents, gl all and safe hunting, Jacinbah, 56 season druid,
RE: my 2cents
# Aug 06 2003 at 9:39 PM Rating: Default
I like your quote, most ambushes are sucessfull, or most people win in tick tac toe if you go first, or your just retarted, and most peeps wien a fight if they get the first hit, unless your bruce lee! haha that quotes going into my values...
# Aug 06 2003 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
Easy way to deal with it..


If all these changes are killing you, take and remove EQ off your computer and find something else to do.

Some of the things are good; some are bad..but after 4 years things do change.
I still think I am getting a good deal for my money..

Aamrie Servant of Lanys (65 wizard)
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 06 2003 at 11:07 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If EQ wants to do something why not give us players some sort of reward for putting up with the long log ons or the too long patches. Some of us has limited time in witch to play and due to damn patches you cannot get your play time in. What I have to say to this is thanks EQ. We pay tons for a expansion and then we have to pay every month. We are filling EQ pockets why not give something back to us? I could use more platinum. that be nice way for EQ to say thanks for making us rich suckers!!!
RE: rewards
# Aug 06 2003 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
I could use more platinum. that be nice way for EQ to say thanks for making us rich suckers!!!

If everyone had more platinum, everything would cost more.....
RE: rewards
# Aug 06 2003 at 11:25 AM Rating: Excellent
Ok what ever . I would much rather set thru and not play while they fixed bugs and what not , part of the reason I like this game so much is because they do constantly update and fix bugs ( the best they can ) on a regular basis . Would you rather play a game full bugs ? I did'nt think so . How long would you play this game if they never fixed problems ? One more thing . Get some kind of wide band . LOL
RE: rewards
# Aug 08 2003 at 7:26 AM Rating: Default
Did you notice that after all these years, mobs still walk through walls, climb trees, and magically pop on top of you if they failed to follow?
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 06 2003 at 10:58 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) this is bull leave gear as is i worked hard for my uber gear now some newbie gonna make there cheesy crap better than mine? BAH it time to think on quiting EQ!
RE: Bull !!!!!!!!!
# Aug 06 2003 at 11:10 AM Rating: Excellent
I am pretty sure there will be limitation... There are ALWAYS limitations in this game... If not that, the items that are used to enhance the armor are probably HELLA RARE or from HARD ZONES with HELLA HARD MOBS... You know? Think like Sony once in a while and you will predict their every move. That is all. ^_^

Edited, Wed Aug 6 12:02:56 2003
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 06 2003 at 11:15 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) yeah think like Sony lets charge these people 40-50 dollars for a game they cannot play unless they online then ***** them out of more money by charging them 13 dollars more we all be millionaires
RE: Bull !!!!!!!!!
# Aug 06 2003 at 12:49 PM Rating: Excellent
114 posts
Ya, let's think like morons instead. Hmmmm, develope a kick *** game and sell it for $0.25, enough to cover the cost of the cd. Oh yeah then we can set up a huge bank of servers to maintain and constanly do updates, we may want to find some retired people with nothing else to do for this. And we can let all our loyal customers have unlimited play for FREE! After we are done doing this we can go make the car payment, pay the gas and electric, phone bill and then go grocery shopping if there is time.

RE: Bull !!!!!!!!!
# Aug 06 2003 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
Fact is, even if you have to keep shelling out $ for expansions, EQ is nothing more than ENTERTAINMENT. Paying 13$ a month and 30 more every say 3rd month is still hella cheaper than going out to a movie twice a week, going out to a club probably once a month, well you get the picture. Break it down for yourself. How many hours this month? and then how much an hour? I bet most people play "at least" 20 hours a week. Thats pretty damn cheap ENTERTAINMENT.
RE: Bull !!!!!!!!!
# Aug 07 2003 at 6:20 AM Rating: Decent
44 posts
I agree. Just think, getting cable tv is twice a much each month than the cost of the endless entertainment of EQ.

And at least here you have the option of social interaction.
RE: Bull !!!!!!!!!
# Aug 06 2003 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
HAHAHA I dont know where your buying your expansions from, I have never paid more than $23 for mine. 40 - 50? wow. Anyways... You seem a little bitter about the patches and so on. You complain about all the money they get from us. Think about that for a moment hun. EQ is a business for Sony... people buy the games... pay a monthly fee to pay for the server... (I think I'm right on that about the servers, I know thats why alot of games have a monthly fee /shrug) You complain about it... but your still playing EQ =/ With out patches... we would still be playing old world graphics and so on you know? For the game to evolve, we need the patches... they dont just sit on their thumbs watching us squirm in our seats waiting for the servers to be back up.. (although sometimes I think they do just that hehehe) I agree this game is behind its time compared to some of the other ones... but if you hate EQ so bad.. why are you here posting about it instead of going and canceling your account and heading to the nearest game store and buying a more... You appropriate game? Those who play EQ are just who Sony is aiming to get money from. We are their business. Complaining is not going to get you what you want from sony... Rant all you want.. there are still LOTS of others still playing.
RE: Bull !!!!!!!!!
# Aug 06 2003 at 11:06 AM Rating: Default
We going to miss you....NOT
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 06 2003 at 11:10 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) they just gonna keep bending you over!!
Aplecart 62 Paladin
# Aug 06 2003 at 10:49 AM Rating: Default
Just want to put my 2 cents worth in about everyone's Epic.Mages aren't the only hard epic to get, there are alot of classes that are Hard..What I and Most people I talk to is That SOE should do something *Quests* to upgrade our Epics..I mean We all have thrived to get our epic and all the new zones You can get Weapons that make our Epics look like FS. I thought from the beginning EQ Put Epics into EQ for a reason..Upgrade Our Epics Please..I guess I will get blasted Now but Had to vent..Thanks
RE: Aplecart 62 Paladin
# Aug 06 2003 at 9:32 PM Rating: Default
I am currently reviewing posts from bottom up. And I am working on my necromancer's epic. I would like to make it better through an augment process. And hopefully they have some cap as to putting only one type of gem on or maybe two. They also better have focus effects, because I would like to put some of those on items... Now...
----Scythe Of the Shadowed Soul----
2 hand blunt
Damage: 22 Delay: 34
Str: +5 Sta: +10 Int: +20 Cha: +5 Mana: +80
HP: +20
Magic Resist: +10 Fire Resist: +5 Cold Resist: +5 Poison Resist: +15 Disease Resist: +15
Effect: Torment of Shadows (Casting time = 9.0)
Weight: 5.0

Now I hope you are able to costumize name, this would beat the hell out of any other customizable system for weaps in other games, or those i have played. on hot screen it would show up as:
----Erimary's weapon of Proof----
And when you click it:
----Erimary's weapon of Proof (Scythe of the Shadowed Soul)----
2 hand blunt
Damage: 30 Delay: 28
Str: +10 Sta: +30 Int: +45 Cha: +7 Mana: +120
HP: +120
Magic Resist: +20 Fire Resist: +15 Cold Resist: +15 Poison Resist: +25 Disease Resist: +25
Effect: Torment of Shadows (Casting time = 4.7)
Focus Effect: Affliction Haste IV
Weight: 5.0

Now that is ubber with out over doing it. I just want to get my epic, and maybe augment it. Plus yes I too have those items in bank that I do not wish to delete... And HAHAHA my Warrior Pizal does not want to let go of his Rubicate Vembraces. Plust some items like the necro Newb quest Items look realy cool, and take ages to achieve. Now hopefully all these gems will not be 85K plus in Bazaar, please if you guys read this, make sure to be best in industry and keep the economic prices to a max of like 4 k. Then everyone could afford, you know what I am saying? Aslo, I would like to get a decent shoulder item... Been going after Mantle of souls, but Dark assassin is a ****** that dont show. And my monk could use a few Life draw weaps that weigh less than the acrylia mace, and morning star.

As far as I Ponder about the combining of items, and the augments, I would have to say it would be something like maybe a liquid, you can splash on your items to make it better, or thats what I would have done, it makes the most sense...

One more thing, I could go farm rusty items and make them better for pet. =P... Well I am off!

Edited, Wed Aug 6 22:49:52 2003
RE: Aplecart 62 Paladin
# Aug 06 2003 at 11:31 AM Rating: Default
I agree with you on the Epic Upgrade... Epics are epics... suppose to be the best weapon one could get in the game... but hello! A mage epic pet sucks compared to the ones you get now at 61+ Im sure to upgrade the epics, they will make the quests even harder... (thinks like Sony again)
Not so good
# Aug 06 2003 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
I really dont think this is a good idea, where will they draw the line?

One modification per item, per stat?
RE: Not so good
# Aug 06 2003 at 11:20 AM Rating: Default
I agree totally
used ideas
# Aug 06 2003 at 10:01 AM Rating: Good
I think its pretty neat that they are implementing this idea into the game, but this idea has been used in several other games! DAoC did a great job with it, and SOE now has a lot of standards to meet and beat if they want to make this idea useful and entertaining.

The biggest problem i see with this system is that it will make the line between awesome and crappy gear so blurred it will be hard to recognize. How will you feel when you inspect someone and find out their crappy old banded mail has better stats that your ornate? Meaning no gear will ever be uber anymore.

# Aug 06 2003 at 9:58 AM Rating: Default
sweet i cant wait
# Aug 06 2003 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
Sounds like socket-weapons in D2 to me, but it is still cool (old ideas aren't bad).

They should bring sets, too.
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 06 2003 at 8:41 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) jhkjhgkghkjhgkjjkhgkjhgkjhgkjhgkjhgjkhg
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