Roper Discusses Blood Moon, Hints at Big Surprise
Executive Producer Bill Roper has focused on the Blood Moon event in his newest State of the Game address, which also revealed that "Champions Online had 1 million characters created within the first month of launch!" We're happy to mention that GizmoDuck from our new BFF Report video series can be counted among that long list of heroes.
Roper emphasizes there are numerous free costume pieces available to players during the Blood Moon event to quell concerns that the addition of costume sets to the C-Store would spell the end of free in-game swag. He also says the Zombie Apocalypse map will be available in the PvP queue starting at level 5 to open it up to more players and mentioned that new mission chains for heroes levels 18-21 have opened up in Millennium City.
As far as future plans are concerned, Roper said the team is starting to work on the winter event that will go live in December and hinted that there's a "very big surprise we have in store for early 2010." You can read the full letter after the jump.
Happy Haunting, Heroes!
The Blood Moon has risen and we’re off to a howling good start with our big event. We’ve already seen our first players unlock the new Celestial power set, noticed some Takofanes action figures in tow, and seen a lot of lycanthropic heroes taking a bite out of the werewolf hunters out there. The Zombie Apocalypse is in full swing, and all in all, things are getting scary in and around Millennium City. In this time of undead uprisings, we wanted to spread some calm amongst the community and bring some treats to all you tricksters out there:
Get Your Free Costumes Here!
There was some unfounded panic that we were never giving out new costume pieces again once we introduced costume sets into the C-Store. We thought it would be nice to point out you all the free stuff you’re getting during the Blood Moon event to quell those concerns.
These are Free to ALL players and are persistent past Blood Moon
Celestial Costume Set
Chest & Hips Tights Patterns
Top accessory
Eye accessory
Assorted Additions
Tuxedo Jacket w/ Tails
Short Cape
Long Pointed Boot w/ various Patterns
Medium Hood
Female Long Hair and Braids for High Collars
These are Free Unlocks (Perks or Drops) found while Playing Blood Moon:
Zombie Hero Costume Parts
Partial Mask Head
Zombie Long Gloves w/ various Patterns
Zombie Long Boots w/ various Patterns
Zombie Tights Chest & Hips w/ various Patterns
Torn Cape
Takofanes Symbol
Silver Bullet
Assorted Additions
Werewolf Head Variant
Zombie Half-Skull Head
Takofanes Symbol (Full Mask)
Earning Retcons and Character Slots
We just opened up the ability to purchase these in the C-Store, but we haven’t forgotten our promise that you’ll also be able to get them in-game. Players can already save up resources to retcon their character, but we’re currently working on the technology required to unlock both a free retcon and a free character slot when you get a character to level 40. This is one of the new things we’ll be able to do based on some of the tech we built for the Blood Moon event!
Unlocking Costumes for Your Account
Another side effect of Blood Moon is that we now have technology in place that allows us to track individual character progression to account-wide benefit. This means as soon as we go through all of the costume pieces in the game and tag them appropriately, the vast majority of pieces you earn will be useable on any character you make on that account.
Blood Moon Missions
Dawn of the Undead Heroes
There’s been some confusion as to what level heroes can and can’t get into the gateways after completing the open mission. So to make this simpler, we’ve made it so anyone that is commonly in Millennium City can jump right into the event. We’ve also removed the level restrictions on the mission to save the souls of the undead heroes. You should now see the mission appear for your level. The crypt critters will remain the same level as the enemies outside - so at lower levels, you might find yourself in some pretty tough situations. This is the PERFECT time to join a team and sidekick up!
Also, the intent was not to just have heroes blow through this event in an afternoon. This is why we set the open mission timers as high as we did. We knew that players on the Public Test Server wanted the timer to be shorter because of our smaller test time windows. Now that we’re in the live environment, we’re seeing a wide variety of times to complete this mission chain. To make this particular event more casual-play friendly, we’re going to reduce the timer on the mission so those of you that play for an hour a night have the chance to get into one or two of them.
Finally, we fixed a couple of bugs that cropped up where Vanguard's beacon stayed on even after he is defeated, and Flechette II & Vigil’s portals are not properly re-spawning.
Zombie Apocalypse
Although this was intended to be a high level event until after Blood Moon, we’re going to open it up to everyone during the event. This map will be available in the PvP queue starting at level 5! We also fixed a bug that prevented the score report from displaying when players click on the "report" button mid-game, so now you’ll be able to see where you stack up in that whole “who can survive the longest” competition (or how many non-zombie heroes you’ve taken down)!
There was a bug where credit for Bite player kills was not being shared across teams. The fix is in for this and will be live ASAP! This will make this part of the mission much easier to accomplish – as intended. However, you also won’t get credit for just standing there during the Bite mission – also as intended.
We also fixed a bug where Wolfsbane, Sol Amulet, and Talbot's Talisman had game time durations instead of real time durations. Also, Werewolf and Hunter amulets are now removed from inventory if the mission is dropped.
Our Mission: To Make More Missions
We’re constantly going through our forums, looking at what you want from the game. Based on this feedback, we’ve put in a lot of content out there in the first 2 months the game has been live – with our new Millennium City and Crossover Missions being the most recent additions:
New Millennium City Missions
New mission chains for heroes of levels 18 - 21 have opened up in Millennium City!
ARGENT at Arms - The corporate giant ARGENT has obtained of the top-secret schematics for the super-villain prison Stronghold and is planning to sell it to the highest bidder. Heroes must infiltrate ARGENT headquarters to recover the plans and discover the mastermind behind this plot.
Try it On for PSIs - There's a conflict breaking out between the mysterious PSI organization known and the ARGENT mega-corporation. What’s so valuable that has these two powerful groups fighting each other? No matter what the cause, the bloodshed must be stopped!
Crossover Missions
Heroes can now share missions with their teammates, even if that teammate is not eligible for, or has already completed the mission! This is an excellent way to help your friends with missions and get additional experience and resources for your good deeds in the process.
The shared mission becomes a “Crossover Mission” for your teammate. If there is an item required for the mission to be completed, they’ll receive it when you share the mission. The mission needs to be turned in at the contact that gives out the original mission, and a hero that completes the Crossover mission receives their own separate mission reward.
Blood Moon Rocks! What’s Next?
We’re working on “Flashbacks” that will let you replay missions you’ve previously completed but want to try again. There is a new repeatable Lair in the works that will feature some very special villains, as well as one that will shake you to the core of your reality. We’re also making passes on the powers right now, focusing on like-types of powers (Offensive Passives, Travel Powers, etc.) and will be rolling out balance changes in the weeks to come. We’re also starting work on our Winter Event that will roll out in December. And then there’s the very big surprise we have in store for early 2010…
What’s This Public Test Shard You Mentioned?
This is the place where we put new elements we’re bringing into the game through their paces. We’ve had it up and running for a few weeks now and the process of getting feedback from there into the game is getting better all the time. We’re just about ready to allow players to do specific Character Transfers from Live to PTS, and we’re also going to have an Incentives program to get you over there to help us test. More news on this in the coming weeks.
Did You Know?
Champions Online had 1 million characters created within the first month of launch! That’s an awesome display of creativity and a truly heroic endeavor.