Mage, Rogue, Warlock Tier 10 Previews Added

A couple weeks ago, Blizzard released previews of the new Tier 10 models for Death Knights, Druids, Hunters, and Warriors that will be available in patch 3.3. Sneak peeks of the Mage, Rogue and Warlock sets were just added to the preview page today, and you can view high-res images of the armor after the jump.

So what do you think of the sets? The Rogue helm is certainly...interesting. It kind of looks like the model wasn't able to avoid a headshot from a Hunter.





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What a bunch of whiners!
# Oct 22 2009 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
Geez, you people act like this is the last set of tier armor that's coming out forever. Think about this: if you got your "ideal" design from Blizz every time, every tier armor set would look the same. Mages would always have fire/ice themed armor, rogues would always have some sort of "stealth" looking armor, and druids would be decked out in leaves and bark over, and over, and over again, changing only slightly between each tier set. You know what that is? It's boring!

I applaud the artists at Blizzard for doing something different (and in my opinion, COOL) with this new set (and if you don't think that warlock set looks badass, there's something wrong with you). At least they didn't just phone it in like T9...

What a bunch of whiners!
# Oct 22 2009 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
i agree with you most of the sets look awesome but can you seriously look me in the eye and say that rogue helm does NOT look UTTERLY ridiculous? and even if you can could you then say it actually fits the rogue design?
What a bunch of whiners!
# Oct 23 2009 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, the rogue helm does look a little....odd. But mostly what I was trying to say is that it's not bad to change things up now and then. You may hate the rogue set, but chances are someone else thinks it looks cool.
# Oct 22 2009 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
So much better than that horrid T9 **** that all looks the same...
# Oct 22 2009 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
So much better than that horrid T9 **** that all looks the same...
The Axiom of Uniform Time
# Oct 22 2009 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
Axiom... ? ... Uniform Time...? WTH?

Simply this - The Axiom of Uniform Time states that there is a given amount of activities and therefore work which can be performed within a specific period of time by a given number of participants.

If you notice... the "Tier" sets began to become more and more alike about the time that Blizz began releasing additional content. The unique characteristics of the given class began to fade away from these sets as time went on. Remember the wings on the Warlock set - Neat but the wings did not consider the height of the character like the added elements of earlier costumes. As they spent more and more time on the lewtz that you get and mobz that you kill they had - evidently - less time to expand upon a more impressive tier set than existed in the former.

IMHO the sets that come out are now are all about damage, crits and defenses, etc. than they are about who or what the character is. Letz be serious though, you people (palyerz) did this to yourselves on the developerz forumz. With statements suggesting that only foolz care about role playing or what gear looks like. I personally have read a number of such suggestions. If you do not believe me take a look at the number of role play servers vs. any other group. People want STATZ not GLAM. Or so it seems untile mundane looking gear like this comes out and we all go... WTF iz up with the cyclops thing on the thief?
can't believe my eyes
# Oct 22 2009 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
The ugliest looking sets ever. And not only in WOW, but in all the MMORPG community. My 4-year old daughter will drwa better ones.
Blizzard, please fire the guys who have designed this. You make tens of millions each month and can't find any good designers? Check the guys who make items design of Lineage 2. You have a lot to learn from them.
Mage Gear
# Oct 22 2009 at 3:10 AM Rating: Decent
Really...Why has Blizzard decided they want to hide the fact that mages exist? Our T9 looks like shaman gear and now they make our T10 look like warlock gear. I think Blizz needs to stop throwing the reject gear from other classes onto mages. They should at least switch the Mage and Warlock gear around. They seem to fit the other class way more than the ones assigned already. When I rolled a mage, I wanted to look like a mage. You know, wise and whatnot. I don't want a helm that makes it look like I have buked teeth. Give that helm to the real Hur-Der class, hunter.
I see...
# Oct 21 2009 at 9:13 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
I see what they are doing there... looks similar to the geists in the game which are one eyed and tend to have rogue abilities (like The Leaper @ the shadow vault).

Interesting idea...but not something I want to see in tier gear...
# Oct 21 2009 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
wtf is up with the rogue helm >.> rogues always seem to get the most stupidly designed helms in the game >.>
# Oct 21 2009 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
What the hell is up with the Cyclops Rogue design? Rogues need their peripheral vision more than any other class... thank god they have the option to not show your helm.
New Mage Tier 10 Set
# Oct 21 2009 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
And now mages can role play as Lord Zed (MMPR)
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