Don't Buy Gold!
Recently Eyonix made a post stating some reasons why buying gold is bad and effects everyone. According to Blizzard an alarming high majority of the gold comes from hacked accounts, a lot of players these days know at least one person who has been hacked and knows how devastating it can be to a player. A lot of these people have been hacked by either getting keyloggers or using power-leveling services and then being hacked months later. They also make baby murlocs cry according to Eyonix.
Blizzard has also created an informational page on this whole subject which you can view here.
You can read the original post after the jump.
Original post here:
Buying gold makes baby murlocs cry. If that isn’t enough to dissuade you all by itself, you might be interested in checking out the informational webpage that we put together to make sure players have the facts about the negative impact of purchasing gold and using power-leveling services. Our goal is to shed some light on how these companies operate, share some of the measures we’re constantly taking to combat them, raise awareness of the detrimental effects these services have on all players -- not just the buyers -- and help protect members of our community from being targeted by them. So give it a read -- it’ll only take a few minutes. And don’t buy gold. Because you wouldn’t want little Murky’s tears on your conscience, would you?