Lead Designer Answers Questions in 12th Podcast

The 12th All Points Bulletin video podcast has been released and contains the final part of the gameplay walkthrough video featuring Epic Games' Mark Rein and Realtime Worlds' Chris Collins. Be sure to check out the ninth, 10th and 11th episodes to complete the series and watch the urban MMO in action.

The podcast also contains a Q&A session with Design Lead EJ Moreland. Although the topic has been covered before, the most common question was if APB will be released for consoles like the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3. Moreland said the first release will be for PC only, but "after that who knows." Player-owned vehicles can't be stolen and they're still defining the minimum system requirements for the release, although the beta will have a high spec requirement.

The first release won't have player or clan housing, but they'll look into it for the future. There's no real death penalty since it's a fast-paced action game, but it takes you out of the action for a bit to give the opposing team a tactical advantage for killing you. Check out the podcast for answers to other questions.


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