Alienware Computer Giveaway in UFD Sweepstakes
Six copies of Aion, Bigfoot Network t-shirts, and an Alienware gaming desktop are all up for grabs in our Unidentifed Flying Daevas Sweepstakes!
You read it right, folks! The staff at has partnered with Bigfoot Network, Dell, and NCsoft to bring you one of our biggest giveaway to date: the Unidentified Flying Daevas Sweepstakes. Not only are we giving away six copies of Aion and Killer t-shirts, but we've also got an Alienware gaming computer (valued at $1,500) up for grabs as well. We'll be giving away one copy of Aion and some Killer swag each day, so check back with us to see if you've won!
Tell your friends, tell your neighbors, and don't forget to get in there and sign up. There's a brand new computer at stake, so submit your entry to the UFD sweepstakes immediately!
Tags: Sweepstakes, News