Dungeon Fighter Opens Item Shop With Contests

2-D side scrolling Streets of Rage fans might be happy to hear that just two days ago, Nexon finally opened the doors to Dungeon Fighter Online's much anticipated item shop. While the item selection in itself is quite small, with the shop selling the standard "upgraded" mana pots, hp pots and upgraded bank vault storage, the real cause for celebration is the implementation of the avatar system which allows players to buy pieces of randomized clothing to suit up their in-game characters. Unfortunately, since the system is completely random, the chances of finding a piece of clothing that looks good and has the bonuses that you want are quite slim. Either way, you can check out the store by clicking the "Item Shop" icon in-game, and see for yourself if there's anything that interests you!

Nexon has also commemorated the launching of their item shop with the start of an avatar contest and an "item shop milestone madness contest." Players who have at least one piece of avatar clothing may take a picture of themselves engaging in action, which they can then submit to be judged and be eligible for 10,000 Nexon points! The avatars will then be voted upon to find the top five, and these grand prize winners will recieve an additional 25,000 Nexon points. As for the "item shop milestone madness contest," the 10,000th, 20,000th, 30,000th, etc to 100,000th purchaser of Nexon points will recieve an extra handful of Nexon points in relation to what milestone they helped the team hit with their purchase.

Remember, you can check out ZAM.com's official Dungeon Fighter preview here to see if this is a game worth checking out!


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