Level 80 AV Bracket Added Early, But Will Stay

UPDATE: Crygil has explained that the reduced experience in AV is because "characters level 70-79 are no longer getting experience based on level 80 characters." As a result, Blizzard is going to increase exp gains from all battlegrounds. Also, the exp bonus from heirloom items now works properly in BGs.

Bornakk has clarified why level 80s now have their own separate bracket in Alterac Valley in patch 3.2.2, and it looks like the change was made by accident. The World of Warcraft development team actually planned to switch around the brackets in 3.3, but the update was "accidently applied" to 3.2.2.

Since the developers eventually intended to make the switch, Bornakk said they've decided to keep the brackets set up like this "so that players who are leveling play together and players who are at the level cap play together." Bornakk also said the levels of the bosses in the brackets below level 80 will be reduced to compensate for the change.


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# Sep 24 2009 at 3:16 AM Rating: Decent
EDIT: Seems Blizzard has levelled the playing field, increasing exp gains in all other BGs..

Ty Blizz.

Edited, Sep 24th 2009 4:28pm by HolyOwnage
Leveling in AV
# Sep 24 2009 at 12:27 AM Rating: Default
Low lvl players level by winning so they play not slack.

Edited, Sep 24th 2009 5:11am by cpy
Leveling in AV
# Sep 24 2009 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
Ya, but get this...Drek and Galv are still at their lvl 80 stats. So unless you have most of your team at lvl 79 you cannot kill them before the opposite team comes to defend.

My 74 shaman was in AV, we wiped on Galv because of one lvl 79 twink Arms-warrior who'd run in pop blood rage and bladestorm us all. Meanwhile, the horde downed Balinda...with...get this...their shamans dropping grounding totem, because it doesn't matter if you were some how a lvl 1 with it; it will absorb the direct magic. So even though they had the same mix of lowbies they could down our general simply because of the dmg-type she deals.

And Blizzard acknowledged this and said they'd be reducing the stats in 70-79 so you're not dealing with lvl 80 Bosses; but....they never really gave a time frame. So for now AV is dead on my Battlegroup (20min Queue turned into 50min).

And god, I hate the 'new' XP. I was so happy to that I'd be able to level my alts to 80 with PvP. In Warhammer after my main all my alts went straight for the RvRs. Leveling with PvE is fun only the first time, when you read the quests and really appreciate the story being developed....when you roll your first alt, you just power through that....when you roll your 3rd you cut corners where ever you can...by your 9th alt (10 characters in all).........you FREAKIN HATE PVE-LEVELING. If I loved PvE I would have rolled a PvE server; I didn't.

Now with the prospect of taking my 60s through deserted TBC and into most-deserted Borean/Fjord; I doubt I'll be playing them much.
# Sep 23 2009 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
Although I think this goes backwards on the original epic quality of Alterac Valley, from the gaming perspective it makes sense. Back before XP was given the majority of players were 80s with a handful of lowbies mixed in. I just did AV a few days ago before the change and it was horrendous. A handful of 80s babysitting a bunch of lowbies more interested in leveling than actually winning the match.

I wish there was a legacy version of AV around. I miss the good ole days of hour long battles, roaming elites, and massive battles. This whole ticket choke hold race where most of the time you never even touch the enemy general is lame.
missing part of post
# Sep 23 2009 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
1,069 posts
Bornakk also stated that the heirloom gear now works and they intentionally cut AV exp in half because it was too rewarding compared to the other bgs.

I think he foresaw the coming ********* and edited that last paragraph out. But it was too late players have gone berserk over it, demanding to know why didn't the other bgs have their exp boosted instead of nerfing AV.
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