Bornakk: Race Change Service is 'Not Far Off'
As you may have already noticed, a race change button has been added to the World of Warcraft account page that states the paid service is "coming soon!" Well, Bornakk just made this comment on the official forums a few minutes ago: "More information will be provided on this upcoming service when we are closer to launching it. Hang tight, it's not far off."
Considering most blue posters simply say "soon" when they don't want to give away a release date, the "not far off" comment certainly suggests we'll be able to change our races in the near future. The paid faction service was implemented earlier this month.
So do you think you'll switch your race once the service goes live? ZAM user Goggy started a thread in our forums a couple days ago to point out the addition of the race change buton on the account page, so you can discuss the topic there.