Recent In-Game Fixes 9/22/09
According to a post by Bornakk several hotfixes have been applied recently and they are listed below.
- The Faction Champions encounter in the normal 10-player and normal 25-player Trial of the Crusader instances have had a number of spells and abilities altered which should result in less overall damage.
- The Anub'arak encounter has been changed on all difficulties. Anub’arak now attacks faster, the Nerubian Burrowers should hit a little harder, and their Expose Weakness ability now caps at 9 stacks.
- Some season 7 arena weapons will now have a socket.
- Threat of Thassarian will now properly halve the damage of Rune Strike for the off-hand strike.
- Soulstone Resurrection now fades upon entering raid combat if the character who cast it is not present.
- The Idle/Inactive debuff is now cleared upon round switches in Strand of the Ancients.
- The Mistress of Pain will now target more accurately in the 25 man Heroic Jaraxxus encounter.
- The damage of Hunter’s Volley ability has been increased.
You can check out the original post on the forums here.
Tags: WorldofWarcraft, News