Become an Honorary Pirate in Booty Bay on Sept. 19
Ahoy! Sept. 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and Blizzard is celebrating once again with the Pirates' Day event in Booty Bay. To participate, simply talk to any pirate commoner in a city to receive a costume, then head down to Booty Bay and look for Dread Captain Demeza and her crew above the bank and auction house. Talk to the captain to become an honorary crew member and turn into a pirate of your race and gender for 12 hours. The buff will persist through death, combat and mounting, but can be clicked off if you decide the pirate's life isn't for you.
Keep your eye out for pirate revelers, Cap'n Slappy and Ol' Chumbucket, and listen for the pirate-themed music and cannon fire. International Talk Like a Pirate Day was created in 1995 by John "Ol' Chumbucket" Baur and Mark "Cap'n Slappy" Summers. If you're interested in truly embracing the holiday, here's some tips on how to talk like a pirate.