3.2.2 BG Queue Changes Address Uneven Matches

A number of battleground queue changes have been added to the most recent 3.2.2 PTR build. For example, the patch notes state that "players may now only queue for no more than two Battlegrounds at a time." Players can currently queue for three Battlegrounds at once, so a user on the official forums asked why the change has been implemented on the test servers.

According to Zarhym, "All of the User Interface changes in 3.2.2 to the Battleground queuing system are to help address matches starting with uneven numbers on each team. These changes may not fully address the situation, but in that case we have some other possible solutions we can implement further down the road."

Zarhym said the team doesn't want to implement a system like Tenacity to balance population issues since it isn't designed for instanced PvP. "Besides, I doubt most players would like to see Battlegrounds arbitrarily balanced by a buff rather than by numbers of players on each team," Zarhym said.

You can read all of the changes to battleground queuing taken from the 3.2.2 PTR patch notes after the jump. Keep in mind these updates are still in testing and subject to revision.

Battleground Queuing

  • Players may now only queue for no more than two Battlegrounds at a time.
  • The dialog box for entering a Battleground match has been changed to reflect the following options: “Enter Battle,” “Leave Queue,” and “Minimize.”
  • The time a player has to enter a battle when selected has been reduced to 40 seconds when not already in a Battleground and 20 seconds when in a Battleground.
  • Players already in a Battleground can now choose “Enter Battle” for a new Battleground under any circumstance (i.e. while dead, in combat, falling, etc.).
  • A new Battleground will not launch until the maximum number of players on each side are in the queue (i.e. 40 players per side for Alterac Valley).


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Leveling BGs
# Sep 14 2009 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
I have just finished leveling a toon from 40 to 50 through mainly BGs. Even if all is well, you have severe queues. I really hope they combine more Battlegroups for the lower level frames. My Battlegroup is effectivly quite small, since we have a combined german/french group. While this sounds good in the beginning, it isn't. Each team has only players from one language - effectivly halving the size of availabe ppl for the team - just the chance to meet a full team of the opposition has increased since they merged the battlegroups.

The Limit to only being in two queues seems logical at first - but in the lower levels I am in all queues - just to get into any BG at all!!! I'd rather have them declare which is the primary queue for you, and if you enter a BG, you leave all queues except the primary.
# Sep 11 2009 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
A new Battleground will not launch until the maximum number of players on each side are in the queue (i.e. 40 players per side for Alterac Valley).

This one is very interesting. It wasn't long ago that AV was 15v40 (AvH) every time.
# Sep 11 2009 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
Well then adjust it so it does work. Because looking at the numbers of people in queuing for low level battlegrounds you're not going to get full teams.

Take it a step further. You could even open up battlegrounds to 10 more levels of players if they removed the missed penalties against higher level characters and introduced a tenacity buff similar to Warhammer. Then those leveling could actually get to try battlegrounds instead of sitting 1-2 hours in queue like many have to in my battlegroup.
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