Class Q&A Series Should Begin Again in Near Future

According to a post by Zarhym, another round of the class Q&A series should begin in the near future due to "all of the recent announcements coupled with the 3.2.2 testing process." The class order won't be the same as the last series, so hopefully rogues and priests won't be at the end of the list again.

Zarhym's comments were actually made in response to a player asking if priests would get answers to some follow-up questions from their Q&A interview. Zarhym said the timing of BlizzCon made conducting a follow-up Q&A difficult. The blue poster did say, however, that Blizzard is "in the process of discussing ways of improving the Class Q&A Series, looking at what worked well the first time and what didn't."

Reactions to the class Q&A series were mixed. Some players appreciated getting information on their classes, while others felt some of the more important questions were ignored. What do you think? How would you change the class Q&A series?


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# Sep 11 2009 at 1:55 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
Most of the Q&A's answered very little.

"This upcoming change should be exciting but we're not sure it will fix it quite yet. But I'm not about to tell you what we're doing at all."

Sums up 90% of the Q&A answers.
# Sep 12 2009 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
if you actually read the Q&A's properly they often were quite informative they may not have specifically said "here is what we are going to do" very often but that was because half the time they didnt know or it was not developed enough for them to want to say it and then go "oh we cant do this anymore" i would much rather hear a possibility of something happening and only hear vague details rather than a more precise description and then hear "oh that isnt possible" myself
# Sep 11 2009 at 8:24 PM Rating: Good
132 posts
And the other 10% could be summed up as "you're too stupid to know what you want out of your character."
# Sep 11 2009 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
Have multiple interviews with people involved with the developement of classes instead of just Greg Ghostcrawler although he does a good job on his own I'm sure he isn't the only one who knows what's in store for the future of WoW players. Or my personal favorite..hackzorz their files! :O
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