Trial of Grand Crusader, Holy Wrath Fixes Added
Lead Encounter Designer Daelo has announced a handful of hotfixes that affect the difficulty of Trial of the Grand Crusader and the Holy Wrath spell for Paladins. The Trial of the Grand Crusader fixes target the Northrend beasts and Lord Jaraxxus encounters. For example, players now have more time to defeat the beasts encounter before Icehowl berserks, and the Felflame Infernals and Mistresses of Pain will spawn quicker in the Lord Jaraxxus encounter.
As for the Holy Wrath hotfix, the spell has been modified to give it "the same diminishing return mechanics that other player stun spells and abilities currently have." Daelo said this will prevent a team of Paladins from rotating their casts to permanently stun Undead enemies.
You can read the full posts regarding the hotfixes after the jump.
Trial of the Grand Crusader Difficulty Hotfix
We just hotfixed the following changes to the Trial of the Grand Crusader (aka Heroic mode).
Northrend Beasts
- Fixed a bug where the flag that prevents a creature from gaining attack speed after a parry was inadvertently left off Gormok the Impaler. This bug is fixed in normal mode as well.
- Increased the amount of time players have to defeat the encounter before Icehowl berserks.
- You have an extra half second to get out of the way of a very angry charging Yeti. Players with high ping rejoice.
- Icehowl will become tauntable. (This particular element isn't hotfixed quite yet, but should be shortly).
Lord Jaraxxus
- Infernal Eruption will now spawn an additional Felflame Infernal the instant the eruption occurs.
- Nether Portal now summons Mistresses of Pain slightly more often.
Holy Wrath Hotfix
We just deployed a hotfix to modify Holy Wrath so this spell has the same diminishing return mechanics that other player stun spells and abilities currently have. This will prevent Undead creatures that we wish to be susceptible to stun from being permanently stunned if you include enough Paladins in your raid who then rotate their Holy Wrath casts.
This will affect the difficulty of Anub'arak, but we didn't want the "right way" to defeat this fight to involve bringing five Paladins who glyphed their Holy Wrath spell.