"WoWathon" Raises Money For "Child's Play" Charity

Since August 1, a group of gamers at WoWathon.com has been playing a non-stop, streaming video marathon to raise money for charity. The charity, called Child's Play, was created by the creators of the web-comic Penny Arcade. The charity is "dedicated to improving the lives of children with toys and games in our network of over 60 hospitals worldwide," according to its mission statement. You might have heard of this charity before; it's been mentioned in various podcasts and fansites throughout the past few months.

As described in its mission statement, the charity tries to provide free PC and video game access to children in hospitals. "Items like the videogame systems and games will be given to the hospitals and a child will essentially be able to check it out and have it placed in their room," a section of the Child's Play FAQ reads. "Obviously the more systems and copies of each game they have the better."

The "WoWathon" team has been playing WoW in support of the charity for 72 hours so far, starting from level one. "Though we are a rookie team of fundraisers/marathon gamers, we hope to raise at least $1000 by the time we reach level 60 (ETA: 6-7 days)," the team explains on its site. "We're going to be gaming around the clock (rotating 8 hour sleeping shifts) until we hit level 60. We're going to be broadcasting live from our dining room in the hopes of inspiring you to donate as well." You can watch the team 'round the clock via its live Ustream feed.


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