Blizzard to Conduct System Specs Data Survey

According to a post by Eyonix, Blizzard will be conducting a data survey in the very near future. Non-personal system specifications data will be collected from all World of Warcraft players for approximately one week, and the process will not affect gameplay.

If you're playing with a account, you shouldn't even notice. However, if you haven't merged your WoW account with a account, you'll see a message that says, "Submitting non-personal system information."


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Predicting PC's
# Aug 03 2009 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
Blizzard will also use this information to help out the guys working on DIABLO 3 and or Starcraft 2. As alot of people that play WOW will also be big diablo and starcraft fans. Could also be using the info for there new MMO they are making as well.
What they will do is take today's data and compare it with the previous data and compare the average system specs so they can try and predict what the average computer will be in a year or 2 years time. Have you noticed that most Blizzard games on launch always seem to run on what at that time is a low spec machine but run so much better visually and less lag on higher end machines.
Its researching and predicting what the future holds and they usually do it well.

Thats my 2 cents worth or maybe 20 cents
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 02 2009 at 5:59 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I've managed to make the sysinfo.exe runable ONLY UNDER ADMINISTRATOR, and yet I don't play the game as administrator. It is going to be interesting to see HOW they get said info wihout the framework to collect it. To top it off I manually edited and left a copy of the system.nfo filled in with things like a lemon flavored 3.6 giggle hertz processor, running 2k of memory with No video card at all, on an OS made by Tonka :) Thanks blizzard....***** you very much :)
Preventing the collection
# Aug 02 2009 at 9:20 PM Rating: Decent
Good idea i'd like some 3 giggle hertz cpu as well, editing now :D

Edited, Aug 3rd 2009 1:21am by cpy
# Aug 01 2009 at 3:03 PM Rating: Good
They want to see just how many of us are using modern PCs, so they can decide if they are going to update the graphics or not. WoW needs a facelift for the next expansion :D
# Aug 03 2009 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
Really? Why? Why don't they just go ahead and upgrade the graphics and put it on a slider like they did with shadows.
Crappy system - all the way down and it plays like it does now
Hawt system - all the way up and you get the new stuff
# Aug 02 2009 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
That is main reason Blizzard needs to know what type of PC hardware their consumers use so they can tune graphics update in next expansion. Detailed hardware info helps Blizzard tune game engine for those 3d cards and cpu’s that most of customers use.

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