Exploring the Underfoot with Ryan Barker

Last month at Fan Faire, the EverQuest team announced that they've been hard at work on the 16th expansion simply titled "Underfoot". Curiosity got the best of us and we got some answers.

Last month at the Sony Online Entertainment Fan Faire, the EverQuest team announced that they've been hard at work on the 16th expansion simply titled "Underfoot". Curiosity got the best of us, so we sat down with our old friend Ryan Barker from the EverQuest development team to find out what we can expect in the next expansion.

ZAM: Hey Ryan, it's great to talk with you again. Are you ready to talk about the Underfoot?

Ryan Barker: 
Sure thing, ready if you are!

First of all, it's hard not notice that this is the first EverQuest expansion with a singular name, making it nearly impossible for players to create an acronym. Is this intended or is the EverQuest team running out of ideas?

Ryan: Well, the acronym issue was definitely brought up, but we just came to the conclusion that it didn't really need a multipart name.  The Underfoot title makes it pretty clear what the premise for the expansion is, and it's always been referenced that way in lore up to this point.  It was definitely a conscious decision.

ZAM: What made the team decide to dedicate an entire expansion to Brell Serillis and the Underfoot? Is there really that much depth? HA!

Ryan: Brell's one of the most prolific gods, in terms of his creations on Norrath, so yes there's a whole lot to draw from.  For example, he made the gnomes, the dwarves, and the gnolls, among others.  Just with those three you've got a lot of historical ammo to work with, and that's not even counting all of the creations that never made it out of the Underfoot.

Can you go into some of the lore from this expansion? Also, how does the lore continue from the events in Seeds of Destruction?

Ryan: I don't want to give too much away just yet, but, as usual, there's trouble in the new lands!  Brell's world is a place where everything has its function and place and it works well that way.  Unfortunately a few of the creations have decided they don't like doing what they're supposed to do and have started causing all kinds of havoc.  The players are going to need to track down the source of this new movement and put a stop to it.

Let's talk about the new achievement tracking system. Can you give us a rundown about how this will work?

It's fairly similar to the achievement systems that you've seen in other games and other platforms like Steam and Xbox Live.  It'll have a list of the things you've done as a player as well as a list of things that you could do to complete later.  It can really cover any number of things that you do in game, killing monsters, tradeskill creations, quest completions, etc.  We think it's a great way to revitalize old content as well as direct people through the new content.  We're going to structure the achievements in such a way so as you always have a set of suggested achievements that you could be working on.  So you'll never wonder what to do next.

ZAM: Will the achievement system function retroactively with any older content?

Ryan: It will in some cases, but not others.  Much of the old content didn't have any sort of tracking mechanism attached to it, so we won't have any way to track its completion.  We're hoping to track as much as possible though.

ZAM: During the Fan Faire address it was mentioned that Underfoot will have twice as many weapons than any other expansion to date.  Are these mostly rusty pick axes or will players see a lot of variety?

Ryan: It's a wide variety.  The dwarves and gnomes have always been very proficient creators, so there will be lots of weapons based on their designs, as well as a few of the other races in the Underfoot.

ZAM: What about class specific weapons; is it safe to assume we'll be seeing a lot of weapons similar to epic weapons?

Well, I don't want to draw too much of a parallel to epic weapons, but we do have some class specific weapons planned for the expansion.  I believe we're planning on having them being evolving weapons right now, but that may change.

ZAM: We've been told that there are going to be over 15 zones in this expansion. Will these all exist underground or will we see a lot of variety? Can you give us any examples?

Ryan: They're all underground, but they're definitely not all just caverns.  The underworld has its own unique ecosystems, so you'll see lots of "outdoor" like areas as well as interiors and cities.  The fungal forest is a good example of a zone that's thematically underground, but will play very much like an outdoor zone.

How does the Plane of the Underfoot compare to other Planes? If you had to compare it to an existing Plane, which would you choose?

I don't think I could draw any parallels to other planes, the underfoot isn't similar to anything we've done so far.

ZAM: One of the last things on my list is the new targeting system. Can you give us the rundown as to how this system will function and how it will affect the game overall?

Ryan: The target window is a window that players can predefine to show a number of targets that will remain in that window for easy swapping between.  You can predefine the targets that go in that window based on group and raid roles as well, so if you always want the main tank to be on top of the window, you can do that.  You'll also be able to set hotkeys to quickly switch to those targets.  You can also just set it to a specific target you've chosen as well that doesn't necessarily have a role attached to it.

ZAM: With the expansions tentatively launching in November, is it safe to assume the closed beta will begin in September?

Ryan: Should be very close to that yes.

ZAM: Thanks for digging into the Underfoot with us. Hahaha the underground jokes continue...

Ryan:  You definitely had to dig for that joke.  Sure thing, see you in Norrath.

Andrew "Tamat" Beegle


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# Aug 11 2009 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
Some of the oldest lore in the game involves the Underfoot, and it's been used in EQRPG and the EQ novels. Hopefully they really draw from some of that old lore and dont try and re-write the lore to thier convenience.
# Aug 07 2009 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
# Aug 08 2009 at 12:49 AM Rating: Default
why "DODH II"???
# Aug 07 2009 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
sounds legit enough. nothing to complain about till the game itself comes out and people either like it or not. i guess the waiting game is on in
# Aug 06 2009 at 2:25 AM Rating: Decent
83 posts
ZAM: What about class specific weapons; is it safe to assume we'll be seeing a lot of weapons similar to epic weapons?

Ryan: Well, I don't want to draw too much of a parallel to epic weapons, but we do have some class specific weapons planned for the expansion. I believe we're planning on having them being evolving weapons right now, but that may change.

Might we see class weapons dropping in the endzone with 5 crazy long evolving steps, so those with max aa's etc. have something to do while they wait for next expansion :-/
Great Work
# Aug 06 2009 at 2:17 AM Rating: Good
Good interview and it sounds like another great expansion with ~~underground dungeons~~ which is where dungeons should be in the first place. That whole creepy atmosphere of multiple levels, winding roads, hidden areas ala Sebilis (for one) is very appealing.

Make sure they hit the music hard. Atmosphere is everything.

Questing is important,too, as always, and try and put individual, group, casual guild and raid guild content into the mix. Seeds of Destruction put EQ on a very good track this, and I know it will only be improved on.

And do not listen to people looking for something to pick on. You will never satisfy the board campers.

Stick to your guns, man. Great work.

# Aug 05 2009 at 9:55 PM Rating: Default
Achievement system, really? Can someone confirm that the Achievement system is separate from the quest tracking system they were talking about at Fanfare?

After re-reading it looks like this is the same as the quest system. I'll wait to see how it works before I pass judgement.

The targeting system sounds good... and I'm glad to see class specific weapons make a return.

ENOUGH WITH THE FLUFF... If I see another mount, familiar or Illusion, I'm going to puke!

Edited, Aug 6th 2009 1:04am by dfifo

Edited, Aug 6th 2009 1:21am by dfifo
The interview.
# Aug 05 2009 at 7:23 PM Rating: Good
224 posts
Achievements seem better suited to the generation that actually plays on the xbox live network and steam. I'm sure the younger demographic get a kick out of following a long list of worthless "achievements" but I could care less. EQ has roots in open ended gameplay, not heavy structure and hand holding.

What happened to expansions like RoK and Velious? They did not need trendy gimmicks to be a success. You were taken into new lands and discovered for yourself what to do. Almost every npc had a quest attached to it and every room you entered had a purpose. These days it's lots of buildings with no doors and limited npc interaction.

If the plan is to WoWify EQ every expansion I suggest the producer/development team create a classic server for those of us who do not want to go down that road. If not that then create some way for pc users to play on Al'kabor.

No offense to the current EQ development team intended.

Edited, Aug 6th 2009 2:29am by FCseven
# Aug 05 2009 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
underfoot = UF
# Aug 05 2009 at 11:14 PM Rating: Decent
757 posts
Or UDF from the three syllables (un-der-foo t) with slight disregard to the t.

Edited, Aug 6th 2009 12:16am by Cylius
# Aug 14 2009 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
53 posts
I've heard some folks planned on either:

UF for Underfoot OR
UFO for Underfoot

Edited, Aug 14th 2009 2:25pm by crystaluck
sounds great
# Aug 04 2009 at 7:52 PM Rating: Default
This expansion looks great I can;t wait
sounds great
# Aug 06 2009 at 10:34 PM Rating: Default
Sounds Great? What have you heard that sounds great? The most "exciting" thing is the targetting window which allows Cleric's and those who need to target people out of group to do their job easier. Thats hardly earth shattering or something that should be your "major" selling point. More weapons? Again, the only weapons raiders care about is end zone weapons, everything else just tides them over until they get their and don't expect game breaking weapons with no level increase like SoF or SoD. Group weapons should see the same maginal upgrades. With the "quest" system they implemented way back in DoN(?) how munch simpler could you make quests? It tells you the zone and the mob and Allah tells you everything else after sufficient time has passed. Now you need a NPC to tell you to travel to PoK and talk to him? Game breaking I tell you!

Ill buy Underfoot, but not because of the crap their trying to push on us and telling us its great. I could of puked better stuff that was groudbreaking.
sounds great
# Aug 05 2009 at 1:49 PM Rating: Good
1,074 posts
Targeting window.

Where's the beef?
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
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