Achievements Are Live on ZAM!
You asked for it, we delivered! The WoW Content team has been hard at work adding in those wonderful things we all go crazy for in game. I refer, of course, to Achievements. We have taken the time to go in and add every category and subcategory currently in game for you to peruse via our wiki. In fact, we have gone so far as to include sections in each of them in case our community wants to pop in and add anything.
To see our full list of Achievements, you can click the following links to go to either the main Wikibase page or directly to the Achievement Category.
But after we got these in, we decided we still weren't done. We played and worked and got an all new feature up on our ZAM twitter for those of you that follow us. That's right folks, you can now subscribe to RSS feeds for any stories we have up for WoW directly from Twitter and they update without any intervention from the user.
If you want to follow us, feel free to check us out on Twitter here.
See ya in the forums!