Blizzard Calls For More Patch 3.2 Questions

In a post on its official forums yesterday, Blizzard poster Zarhym created a thread called "Coliseum & Isle of Conquest Questions." In it, Zarhym calls for player "follow-up" questions about the upcoming patch 3.2, which is currently underway on the PTR. "Now that players have had a chance to digest a good deal of the information we've released about patch 3.2.0, Call of the Crusade," he writes, "we're asking for any follow-up questions you may have about the major PvE and PvP features coming.

Whether you have been following every bit of text that's been released about the Crusaders' Coliseum and Isle of Conquest, have been on the test realms every day testing whatever bits of new content you can, or have just taken a cursory look at our announcements, we'd love to hear from you."

If you've been keeping tabs on Blizzard's trends, you might be familiar with its new-and-improved focus on developer-customer interaction. Considering the developers are now regularly fielding class questions via the official forums, I suppose it's no surprise that they would extend the courtesy to upcoming patches or new content as well. If you've got questions or problems with the upcoming "Call of the Crusade," this is your chance to speak up.


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