Another Tom Chilton Interview on the Future of WoW
A few months ago we linked to an interview Tom Chilton gave to about patch 3.2 and beyond. Chilton is the game director for World of Warcraft and has been working with Blizzard since 2004. In a more extensive pair of interviews, Chilton spoke with earlier this year about patch 3.2, and once again about the "future of WoW."
The interview is divided into two parts; since the patch 3.2 "first section" is a bit dated now, you might get more enjoyment out of the "Part Two" interview, in which Chilton looks into his crystal ball and predicts where WoW is headed. It's a pretty extensive interview; even though it's a couple months old, it's still a relevant and interesting read.
Chilton talks about the new zones in Azeroth we still have yet to see, the philosophy behind introducing new classes and races (he mentions how Blizzard considered a "drakonid" race) and expansions after Wrath of the Lich King. He also mentions the ways in which the MMO industry has evolved, and how the new free-to-play and micro-transaction models might influence Blizzard (and even WoW) in the future.