Fire Festival Issues Should Be Fixed This Morning
The day World of Warcraft's annual Midsummer Fire Festival launched, we reported many players experiencing problems tied to the in-game achievements. Players were having trouble completing certain quests, namely "Honor the Fires," "Desecrate the Fires" and "Unusual Activity," among others. Apparently some of the problems were caused because the achievement system wasn't implemented this time last-year, and the acts to complete the current achievements purposely weren't retro-actively attributed to player accounts, otherwise nothing would be required from those who completed them last year. Or something like that.
Regardless, Blizzard poster Bornakk announced in the official forums last night that the developers "are in the process of applying an in-game fix that will restart all of the quests associated with the Midsummer Fire Festival event and allow players to complete them once again." The fix will be applied only after realms have been restarted.
He also notes that if you're currently in the process of completing any of the festival achievements like "Extinguishing Kalimdor," your progress will be reset and you'll need to start over. That's a bit of a bummer for those of you who might have been halfway done; but on the other hand, the Midsummer Fire Festival is one of Blizzard's longest-lasting holidays, running until July 5 this year.