New Night Elf Druid Bear Art Released

Yesterday, we posted images of the new textures for the Tauren druid bear form that are in the works. Well, Bornakk just posted on the official forums that images of the new Night Elf bear textures have been released, as well. You can read all about the changes on the under development page. It looks like we can expect a preview of cat form art next week.

You can discuss the new art for druid forms on our general forum in this thread. What do you think? Are you excited to change up your forms or are you underwhelmed?


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That's Blizz for you
# May 28 2009 at 1:12 PM Rating: Default
cosmetic changes and superficial junk is what they specialize in. If there was a competent programming staff or some decent testers things might be different, but sadly that is not the case, so we get untested unbalanced code into production, to be tested by paying players and the dev staff wastes time on window dressing and useless eye candy.
That's Blizz for you
# May 29 2009 at 11:00 PM Rating: Decent
cosmetic changes and superficial junk is what they specialize in. If there was a competent programming staff or some decent testers things might be different, but sadly that is not the case, so we get untested unbalanced code into production, to be tested by paying players and the dev staff wastes time on window dressing and useless eye candy.

That's a really uninformed statement.

Firstly, art assets are among the most time consuming (and expensive) components of making a video game. This "window dressing and useless eye candy" is something a cheap, uncaring dev company would not bother continuing to refine in order to save money.

Secondly, the people who do the art and the people who do the code are not the same people. Obviously, Blizz needs to have BOTH on staff. What one group does has nothing to do with what the other group does or does not get done.

And Lastly, it is a pretty solid fact that alot of the player base LIKES the window dressing and useless eye candy. One need only look at how quickly people stampede to get it when it's introduced into the game.

If you have issues with blizzard providing the player base with things they enjoy while also keeping ALL of their employees occupied on improving the game, I suggest you find another game to play. There's plenty out there with developers who are for less interested in either.
# May 27 2009 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
I only have a druid alt, but my fav is non-epic flight form (alliance black). Hard to beat that.

I do look forward to seeing the cat form changes tho.
Epic x2
# May 27 2009 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
Good to see Blizz has decided to put on a new and shiney coat for the ol' bear tank. However, it'd be nice to see more than just cosmetic changes to this spec/class.
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