Elemental Shamans to Get DPS Increase

Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street has stated on the official World of Warcraft forum the dev team is concerned elemental shaman DPS is "a little low," so an upcoming hotfix will improve the chance for the Lightning Overload talent to cast the half-damage Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning.

"We think this will provide a roughly 5% dps increase for say the raid-buffed level 80 Elemental shaman, but we will closely monitor the damage being done after this change. Note that the tooltip of the talent will not change from this hotfix – the talent will proc 33% of the time with 3 ranks, even though the tooltip says 20%. We will get the tooltip updated in a future client patch."

So what do you think, ZAM shamans?


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# May 13 2009 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
As elemental being my main spec on my shaman I'm excited, but at the same time I have a horrible feeling about this. Blizzard's track record with buffing tends to either do 1 of 3 things

1) Do nothing

2) Make it worse

3) Make it so OP that they'll nerf it into the ground far below what it was before they "fixed" it.

So only time will tell.
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