How Important are Add-Ons? Vote in our Forum Poll

We recently reported that Blizzard has formalized design and distribution guidelines for add-ons. There's numerous changes, including the fact that developers can no longer sell their add-ons. Azuarc recently made a poll in our official World of Warcraft forum asking ZAM users for their stance on the topic.

As Azuarc mentioned in his post, some players may feel that add-ons lead to game imbalances (such as old-school Decursive), while others like having some flexibility in how they manage their user interface. Where do you fit in? Vote in Azuarc's poll and let us know. Also, feel free to add some discussion to the thread, such as which add-ons you use the most.

Currently, 44.8 percent (82 users) have said they have quite a few add-ons but could live without them, while 27.3 percent (50 users) depend on their add-ons for crucial information. Eighteen percent (33 users) said they can't do anything without their mods.


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Intellectual property
# Mar 24 2009 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
I have read a couple of blurbs from developers of some of the addons. There seems to be a thought passing around that an "addon" is somehow that developer's "intellectual property". My take on this is that Blizzard is finally getting around to nerf this idea and I think they have every right to do so. Again, my thinking, but an addon is a deriative work of an already established work. The courts debated this many years ago and conceded that you can not take a portion of a picture and change the color of the hair in that pic and claim it as your own. The addons could not exist without the original work and that work belongs to Blizzard lock, stock, tauren.

All the addons that I use are free of charge. If i want to tip the author, that is my choice. I use Auctioneer. I dont think I could live without my auctioneer. I also use Mob Info another little jewel that has become so much a part of my realm life. I thank each and every developer for these and other addons that i cant live without. But I do not expect them to make a living off my tips. LOL Trust me! They would starve! I dont think the developers are attempting to make a living by developing addons. This is a hobby to them and fun for them...or they wouldnt do it. The money is just a way of keeping score. Its neat to get paid for something you enjoy! I seriously doubt the majority of developers are gonna stop making addons just because Blizzard wants to flex its copyright muscle. Personally, I think its just a "heads up" step that Blizzard is making to avoid bigger issues down the line. If nothing else, it forces constructive,educational conversation like this forum.

addon prefs...
# Mar 23 2009 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
I will keep using addons regardless of what blizzard says, they have become an integral part of my gameplay. I don't waste my time on pvp, so the adons I use can't cause an imbalance...
addon prefs...
# Mar 23 2009 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
I couldnt imagine how much more time consuming it would be to level professions or find certain NPC's that Blizzard was kind enough to stash away without some of the addons that I use. Im not saying I couldnt live without them, but because of the addons Ive been able to explore much more game content that I otherwise would have been unwilling to put forth the effort into discovering. Before I started using mods, quest abandonment was easy. Besides, Ive never even seen mods you pay for, and If I can have a mod so can my opponent so no one really has any advantage.
addon prefs...
# Mar 24 2009 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
I use very few add-ons, mostly only AVPreform. Even that I wouldn't need if those forming premades didn't require it. If I need to look up where something is I use WoWWiki or allakhazam.
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