Grand War Mammoth Removed from Meta Achievement

Even though the drop rate for the Reins of the Grand Black War Mammoth was increased awhile back according to Bornakk, the odds of getting one to drop in the Vault of Archavon are still pretty slim. That's why Lead Content Designer Mumper decided to do some tweaking to a certain meta achievement:

"I just removed this from the "Master of Wintergrasp" meta achievement earlier today. It was just too rare to be included in the meta. Don't worry though, we still have the Grand Black War Mammoth achievement on its own. =) This change will go live with 3.1.0."

So if you're determined to master Wintergrasp, you'll have one less rare achievement to complete once 3.1 goes live.


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# Mar 05 2009 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
2,047 posts
so there are significantly fewer winners in a year's time than there are Grand Black War Mammoth owners.

I actually doubt this. On my server, I don't think we get even 1 GBWM per week on average. I think more people win fishing, although 52 titles a year is still low end.

inister Calling needs to be removed from the Hallow's End meta, as both items for the achievement are rare drops.

It wasn't that rare of a drop. It came fairly often for all 8 of my chars from the candy bags.

# Mar 05 2009 at 10:40 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
It wasn't that rare of a drop. It came fairly often for all 8 of my chars from the candy bags.

It's a rare drop from an hourly gift. That's the same rationale that was used to remove Peddlefeet and the black dress from the Love is in the Air meta. During the Halloween event, only one of my toons got both, and I was logging in for gifts as much as possible. All of them got the cloth helm, but only one got the pet.
Agreed...remove others.
# Mar 04 2009 at 11:13 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
I agree with Yngvie on all points. I think placing ultra rare drops and accomplishments in the requirements for metas simply turns away most people from even attempting to accomplish.

When sheer luck is required there are going to be many people who put good and extensive effort in who will be down right frustrated and disappointed.

In regards to Sinister Calling. My guild ran headless horseman practically 8 times a day for one of our guildies. We pulled in all of our available alts and friends. I can practically quote the guy now (and shiver each time). Yet no stinking drop for her. She was disappointed, upset, and altogether frustrated...and so were we. It wasn't that she nor us didn't put the effort in. We put as much effort (if not more) than anyone else who actually DID get it to drop....but it didn't...and she was cheated out of an achievement because of an obscure, unrealistic "achievement".

I agree that achievements that grant titles shouldn't be easily accessible. It cheapens the title. But there is a point where an achievement apart of a meta achievement is so rare and so obscure that it completely takes away any pride in the achievement and turns it into a "man I was lucky and you weren't" deal.

That seems like a counter to the very word "achievement".
Agreed...remove others.
# Mar 05 2009 at 9:13 AM Rating: Good
ekaterinodar wrote:
I agree with Yngvie on all points. I think placing ultra rare drops and accomplishments in the requirements for metas simply turns away most people from even attempting to accomplish.

When sheer luck is required there are going to be many people who put good and extensive effort in who will be down right frustrated and disappointed.

In regards to Sinister Calling. My guild ran headless horseman practically 8 times a day for one of our guildies. We pulled in all of our available alts and friends. I can practically quote the guy now (and shiver each time). Yet no stinking drop for her. She was disappointed, upset, and altogether frustrated...and so were we. It wasn't that she nor us didn't put the effort in. We put as much effort (if not more) than anyone else who actually DID get it to drop....but it didn't...and she was cheated out of an achievement because of an obscure, unrealistic "achievement".

I agree that achievements that grant titles shouldn't be easily accessible. It cheapens the title. But there is a point where an achievement apart of a meta achievement is so rare and so obscure that it completely takes away any pride in the achievement and turns it into a "man I was lucky and you weren't" deal.

That seems like a counter to the very word "achievement".

As for the sinister calling part... did she also trick or treat every chance she got? I got mine through a bag.
# Mar 04 2009 at 10:55 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Id say it must be rare since I generally do VOA 3 to 4 times per week and I have never seen it drop.
Remove some others from metas...
# Mar 04 2009 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
If that's the case, then a few more things need to be removed from various metas:

Winning the Stranglethorn Vale fishing contest should be removed from the fishing meta. For one, there is only one winner a week... so there are significantly fewer winners in a year's time than there are Grand Black War Mammoth owners. Secondly, as one who has fallen victim to it and lost the contest (by 3 seconds), there is rampant cheating in the weekly contest as friends of competitors will spam duel challenges and do anything they can to distract or obstruct the vision of other competitors.

Have Keg, Will Travel should be removed from the Brewfest meta. The reason Peddlefeet and the black dress were removed from the Love is in the Air meta was that Bliz didn't want a rare drop being part of the meta. Well, unless things change, the mount for Brewfest is a rare drop.

Sinister Calling needs to be removed from the Hallow's End meta, as both items for the achievement are rare drops.

Remove some others from metas...
# Mar 05 2009 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
267 posts
Winning in STV was hard enough before and I was trying for it just for the pole (though I now have the tuskar one). Now there's about 3 times as many people doing it thanks for the achievement and since I'm in a different timezone from my server it's simply not worth staying up til 4 in the morning for it any more.
I agree about the drops. I collect mounts and I tried for the brefest and headless horseman mounts every single day on more than one toon with no luck.
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