New Druid Skins in Development

Blizzard poster Zarhym has posted some exciting news for Druids (like me). While there's no detailed news to report, Zarhym has stated that new druid skins are currently in the works.

"Creating new druid skins is a task on which our artists have been working on very recently actually. I don't have a time frame for you, but we did speak specifically with our developers about this in late January. Druid forms are a work in progress. I haven't seen them, but have heard some cool things about them."

In another thread, Zarhym said, " it's way beyond being an idea at this point. It's in progress." Just don't expect them in 3.1.0. It's difficult to discuss this topic without seeing any concept art or screenshots, but I'm still excited. You can discuss your thoughts in our Druid forum here, courtesy of Allakhazam poster PhoenixOmbre.


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