BlizzCon 2009 Announced!
That's right! BlizzCon was just announced and it will be taking place this year from August 21st to August 22nd at the Anaheim Convention Center just outside of Los Angeles. It's interesting that Blizzard would move the event earlier this year, but at the same time they're giving fans more space by opening up all four halls of the convention center. At this time, Blizzard has not gone into any specifics about what they'll be showing; though it's safe to assume that Diablo III and StarCraft II will be available for players. Additionally, it's entirely possible that Blizzard will announce their second MMO in development as they've recently begun talking about it more. Lastly, it's possible that four halls leaves enough room for four games. Could this mean that the third World of Warcraft expansion will be announced or on display? I suppose we'll find out in August.
After last years BlizzCon ticket fiasco; it's rumored that Blizzard will be using Ticketmaster to handle ticket sales. You can expect to find ticket information on the official BlizzCon site as the event approaches.
We had a great time at last years show and if you missed our coverage, make sure to check it out. Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available. Click here for the press release at Blizzards EU website.