Bake Virtual Cakes for Valentine Event

Can you bake? Well, whether you can or not, get ready to put your virtual skills to the test and make some Valentine cakes during Lineage II's holiday event from Feb. 10-17.

Help spread the Love! The Goddess Aphrodite has sent her faithful servant, Valentine Messenger Queen of Hearts, to foster love, loyalty and affection across the world of Aden. But Alas! As love and generosity are abhorred by them, some greedy monsters are bent on thwarting the spread of this infectious and debilitating disease. Having raided the warehouses where the ingredients were kept, the Queen of Hearts is now unable to create the Valentine Cakes she'd planned to make for everyone. Without the cakes, she fears that she will fail Aphrodite.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to track down the ingredients and make those cakes. The better the cake, the better the reward. You can find a list of cakes and rewards here.


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Oh God
# Feb 04 2009 at 7:26 PM Rating: Excellent
1,577 posts
It's a Piece of Cake to Bake a Pretty Cake.

That is all.
Fly High Daevas,
Tamat ~ Andrew Beegle
Community Manager
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