DAoC Film: Forever Yours

There is a great new DAoC film that is making the rounds called "Forever Yours" by Dannielle LaCroix. With her permission we have added the film to our Media Box section for your viewing pleasure. The movie is a 15.8 MB download and has a runtime of 4 minutes and 48 seconds,to view the film just follow this link. As for what it is about I'll let Dannielle tell you in her own words:
    The story behind Forever Yours has a very deep meaning to it. Lotharious and Dannielle Adaeir, were a story book couple on the Guin Roleplaying Server. Married, one daughter, small cabin by the water which is where most of the footage took place. They were notorious for starting their days with a sunrise. They ran one of the last HardCore RP guilds and both of them were well respected and known for their RP efforts. The RP story behind the film was his departure to Midgard to serve the frontier which he never returned from and was believed to be dead. Dannielle, being devasted by the loss could no longer live in Albion and went searching for a new life, starting in Hibernia where she resides now. To understand the intensity, you have to look at it from an In Character perspective.
    OOCly, Lothar had to quit playing the game, but we remain close friends and he is sadly missed by many on our server. When he saw it, he was very touched and thought it told the story of their life, perfectly. As far as time line went, It is my first video and took all of 7 hours to make, including the actual capture of the footage and all editing. :) Some of the best things come from the heart, and I know it seems quite intense for some, but during editing, I wanted to capture the heartache and loss of the character which I believe, from the reactions, I've accomplished. There was no real thought to make it. It was more of a spur of the moment thing when I heard the song as my son listened to it, and I thought, that would be perfect for a tribute film. So I went with it.


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The Video
# Sep 06 2003 at 8:52 AM Rating: Default
I love it, it literally made me cry. Even though it was based on 2 charachters, it made me feel so damned lonely, and the song, beautiful song I.. just cried :(

Obsideus*look for me on merlin vnboards :p
# Aug 31 2003 at 8:48 AM Rating: Default
-very sweet and very stylish! nicely done, Danni!!
# Aug 23 2003 at 10:43 PM Rating: Default
you know what, im with the last dude, that movie defenentelly creeped me out, and the last thing it made me do was feel touched.
that movie deffenentelly... touched me in some way
# Aug 23 2003 at 10:39 PM Rating: Default
you know what? that was a wierd video, ok someone said that it made them snivel? what?! that video disturbed me honestly, a love video about a video game? especially an internet game. I would say that I have had a fair amount of experiance in that game, I played it for 6 months and got a lvl 44 Cleric on guinivere, and I would also say that Ive had a fair experiance in real life, I am On the Princeton Lacrosse team, I was an Army ranger, and am majoring in Architecture. And trust me, real life is much better. snivel? god
that movie deffenentelly... touched me in some way
# Aug 23 2003 at 10:39 PM Rating: Default
you know what? that was a wierd video, ok someone said that it made them snivel? what?! that video disturbed me honestly, a love video about a video game? especially an internet game. I would say that I have had a fair amount of experiance in that game, I played it for 6 months and got a lvl 44 Cleric on guinivere, and I would also say that Ive had a fair experiance in real life, I am On the Princeton Lacrosse team, I was an Army ranger, and am majoring in Architecture. And trust me, real life is much better. snivel? god
This Wonderful song
# Jul 18 2003 at 12:59 PM Rating: Default
Very very nice video @ Danielle

But 1 Question...

The Backgroundsong ^^
Who sang this song and how is the title of this song...

RE: This Wonderful song
# Sep 05 2003 at 6:05 AM Rating: Default
Look @ the end of the movie, then you'll see the title & artist (btw great work, that was soooooo sweet:)
# Jun 08 2003 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
very touching
::wipes away tears::
# Jun 03 2003 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
You know it's good when you realize that video game film footage made you snivel.

Well done. Congratz.
# Jun 02 2003 at 5:03 AM Rating: Default
Wonderful video, brought a lump in my throat :)
Feel the love!
# Jun 01 2003 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
very touching
Wow very nicely done
# Jun 01 2003 at 9:43 PM Rating: Default
That was awsome!!
RE: Wow very nicely done
# Jun 02 2003 at 6:00 AM Rating: Default
This video was nicely done! So much better that most the ones being made, why does everyone feel that have to capture their RvR action and put it to heavy metal?
RE: Wow very nicely done
# Jun 02 2003 at 5:58 AM Rating: Default
This video was nicely done! Thank you Dannielle for making it. It is a nice change from all the RvR, heavy metal ones that everyone feels they have to make.
# Jun 01 2003 at 7:36 AM Rating: Default
RE: Wow...
# Jun 01 2003 at 11:19 AM Rating: Default
This film made me feel the sadness of love lost, very well done.
RE: Wow...
# Jun 01 2003 at 3:04 PM Rating: Default
Great video! You can feel the love!!!
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