Patch 3.0.8a Fixes Minor Bugs

Patch, also known as Patch 3.0.8a, is now live with some minor bug fixes. Nethaera posted the patch notes on the official World of Warcraft forums, and they fix glitches related to a human female animation, Death Knights' Howling Blast, Hunter aspects and Warlocks' Ritual of Summoning.

But wait! Ghostcrawler has posted in a separate thread that Ritual of Summoning isn't actually fixed yet, but it will be done today.

We are still on target to get this fixed today (Tue, Jan 27). I did not mean to imply that it would be fixed when the servers came back up.

Regardless, you can read the brief patch notes after the jump.

  • General

    • Human females Helms will no longer lift off the character's head during a Special2H animation or during a HoldRifle animation.
  • Death Knights

    • Howling Blast : The 5 second cooldown will now display correctly.
  • Hunters

    • All Hunter aspects are no longer on the global cooldown that is shared with other Hunter abilities. All hunter aspects are now on a separate 1 second cooldown.
  • Warlocks

    • Ritual of Summoning will now function as intended.


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I Agree
# Jan 28 2009 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
capcanuk - i know. i noticed that problem and it is honestly getting to be a pain.

Im tempted to just use the WOW.EXE file to get around that stupid problem.

why don't they...
# Jan 27 2009 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
799 posts
Why don't they actually fix something that they themselves broke, and is a serious security issue with their game?
I speak, of course, of the new broken Blizzard Launcher.
Since the new patch, whenever you use the launcher to start WoW, it makes a temp copy of itself in a new directory every time you start the game.
Sure you can start the game from the WOW.EXE file, however, Blizzard has repeatedly said that this was not a good idea, since it bypasses all the security the Launcher affords.

This new bug wrecks havoc with firewalls. Every time you start the game you are required to give new permissions, and no firewall is able to keep track of those permissions, since the Launcher creates a different temporary directory every time it starts.

You can simply click "yes" when your firewall asks for a new permission every time you launch WoW, however, your permissions page VERY soon is full of only WoW and its launcher.
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