45-minute Time Limit Added to Arenas

Have you ever had an Arena fight last longer than 45 minutes? Well, that won't be happening anymore.

In order to prevent players from attempting to reach a no decision in Arenas, and to ensure that all Arena matches are completed in a reasonable time frame, a 45 minute time limit has been added to Arena matches. At the end of this time limit if no team has achieved victory, both teams will lose 16 arena rating points. Please be aware that this loss in rating is not currently displaying properly and will instead show as a draw for both teams. This display issue will be addressed in a future update.

So how many of you have had battles extend past 45 minutes? Also, do you feel the loss of rating points is a fair penalty for not completing the fight by the time limit? Feel free to discuss it in this thread in our general forum.


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# Jan 09 2009 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
3,451 posts
My longest matches were always against Warlock/Resto Druid as a Rogue/Dreamstate Druid. Half an hour and longer, they were fun though I have to say. :) Double dps teams tend to have much shorter matches.

Good to see that they're preventing exploits as well with the system.
# Jan 09 2009 at 5:54 PM Rating: Default
I am happy to see this change come. I don't do Arenas 'yet' but hope to. The reason I am happy about this change, is that it points toward Blizzard doing something about people trying to manipulate the system. I would be ECSTATIC if they would implement penalties for AV's or ANY BG {excluding world PvP or Wintergrasp}that lasted over 45-minutes. I am so sick of going into an AV and having the other team realize they don't have the skill or players to win and then falling back and turtling inside their base. It always seems that when it begins to happen, it becomes the THEME for all the AV's played for hours and hours from that point on.

For any BG to go on for an hour to me is simply ridiculous. I hope they do something about that also.

{crosses fingers}
# Jan 09 2009 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I have never had one last more then 2 minutes. I have only done 2vs2 though and Im in the newb bracket.
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