Station Crap

The following editorial contains views that are the opinion of the author and not necessarily the views of

Last week Sony Online Entertainment announced Station Cash, which was met with an uproar from the community. Station Cash is a new virtual currency program that gives players the option buy in-game items from their virtual wallet. This has been seen by many as a short sighted attempt to put money in their pocket without consideration of tomorrow. I don't know about you, but my letter to Santa didn't say anything about getting screwed by Sony. That's how I feel though. I feel somewhat betrayed by the company that I've always talked about as one that listens to their players. It seems that this is no longer true of Sony Online Entertainment.

This isn't the first time that SOE has pushed the same kind of envelope. The launch of Station Exchange back in July of 2005 was met with the same criticism. So what's different this time around? Everything! First of all, we're not getting the choice this time. With Station Exchange they only implemented it on select servers that players had the option to transfer to. The same was true with the introduction of PvP into EverQuest II. First there was discussion which resulted in the creation of dedicated PvP servers because this was what the fans indicated they wanted. This time around it's being forced on everyone, and it was done that way no discussion, no warning and no choice.

My biggest question is why they decided to ninja implement such an important "enhancement" if they didn't already know it was going to piss people off. It's my opinion that they did know; they just simply didn't care. It seems that a simple compromise, like creating specific Station Cash servers for people to transfer to, would have been held with higher regard in the community. So why didn’t they go that route? That's a question as enigmatic to me as their choice to continue PS3 MMO development.

Now, before I get too far ahead of myself, I want to make it clear that I was fine with Station Exchange. Quite frankly, it was a good idea. It cut out the middle man and replaced it with a secure source to do something most of the player base was doing anyway. I also respect the way they implemented it. We knew in advance what was going on, it wasn't forced down our throats, and there was a purpose for it. Again, this isn't the case with Station Cash and I believe that they've shown a cynical disregard to the player base with this decision.

Some may argue that this form of micro-transactions or 'Micropay' already exists in other MMORPGs. While it's true that the F2P (Free-2-Play) MMOs use micro-transactions instead of the traditional monthly fee -- typically you don't have both. Even though Sony isn't necessarily forcing players to use Station Cash, they're offering items that you can't obtain in game, so they might as well be.

That leads to a concern that I had when I saw what they were selling in EverQuest II. Most of the items available can be played off as fluff, but then there are some, like potions that increase your experience by up to fifty percent for four hours, that are serious play influencers. In my eyes, that creates an opportunity for an advantage, especially with new content. This has to annoy the players that enjoy racing to the max level. Guess you'll just have to buy potions come expansion time if you want to compete.

But is that where the ball stops, or will they take it further? Will they give players the option to buy something as ridiculous as level potions? Will I be able to pre order my level 90 Templar at Gamestop with the next expansion? Who knows? It honestly wouldn't surprise me at this point.

In an interview with Bruce Ferguson, Producer of EverQuest II published last week by TenTonHammer, he went on record saying "We were looking for ways to give people opportunities to enjoy the game a little bit more". Now I can respect that, but it doesn't make much sense to add something niche that doesn't add much value to the game(s) overall. In my mind, the resources that were spent on Station Cash could have been spent on something that actually adds said opportunities, rather than create opportunities to sell players more crap.

Of course all of this is my own opinion. I'm sure there are those out there that are excited about this service and who plan to take advantage of what it has to offer. What do you think? Was this a good move or simply another way to bleed our pockets? We'd love to hear your opinions in our forums.

Andrew "Tamat" Beegle


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Just a thought....
# Nov 09 2009 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
Adani wrote:
First, paragraphs are your friend. :)

Let's define "game-breaking". If only those who have real life money to spend can purchase items which grant them an advantage over those who do not have the money to spend, that makes the playing field unequal, hence game-breaking.

Funny how people attempt to compare Station Cash XP potions that are purchased with real life money with items that anyone can acquire in-game. Station Cash XP potions are not the same as those earned by anyone doing Special Events quests in-game. Station Cash XP potions are not the same as playing in a Hot Zone where anyone can play. Station Cash XP potions are not the same as those obtained by looting a LoN Booster Pack in-game and happening to find a Loot Card with XP potions in it. I am not sure why that concept appears to be so difficult to grasp.

Funnier still are those who assert that that those complaining are "high enders" and point fingers at people who managed to level to 85 in one day. Just as a point of information, people on every single server managed to level to 85 in one day. So what is your point? Or is your point that you couldn't do it so that makes it somehow reprehensible?

Or did you, perhaps, miss the assertions made by Smedley and Grimwell that the XP potions are designed to "give a leg up" to new and/or returning players? Of course that presumes that any one would actually recommend a game to a "friend" that not only requires that they pay for the game as well as the monthly subscription fees but that they will need to spend hundreds of dollars to "join their friends in the latest expansions". I most assuredly would not do something that underhanded to any friend of mine, would you?

Making comparisons between Station Cash and Allakhazam or Magelo is simply ludicrous. Allakhazam and Magelo give information. One can use either Allakhazam or Magelo free of charge. One merely needs to put in a bit more effort to acquire the information if one chooses not to pay for either service. They do NOT provide in-game items for real life money. gives in-game maps and is available to anyone, free of charge. Again, I am not sure why that concept is so difficult to grasp nor why one would even make such a comparisons. The old "apples to oranges" argument I suppose is easier than using logic.

The assertion that "In opinion, everyone will use the "free" station cash they received, even if they say they won't, they will, it's human nature to use all available resources." is ridiculous. It asserts that it is "human nature" to lie, cheat and buy your way to the top. That may be true of your nature, but it assuredly isn't true of others. The assertion that "I never expect to see any kind of feasible raid item from Station Cash, in truth, I expect to see nothing more than what has already been implemented into LoN." is not only incredibly naive, it indicates that you have not kept up with the statements made by both Smedley and Grimwell.

As for the rest of your assertions with respect to "milk money" and "diapers, they do not merit a response. I make it a point not to engage in a verbal duel with the so obviously unarmed.

Only, several things wrong with your assertions. Let's start with the one that bothers me most. You write:

"The assertion that "In opinion, everyone will use the "free" station cash they received, even if they say they won't, they will, it's human nature to use all available resources." is ridiculous. It asserts that it is "human nature" to lie, cheat and buy your way to the top."

Perhaps you should define a resource before you start flaming. Lie, cheat, and buy are all actions, not resources. Here let me help you...

(just a little information for you ^ is a resource, you clicking on it is an action, you can use that free resource to look up any of those other big words you don't seem to understand)


"Making comparisons between Station Cash and Allakhazam or Magelo is simply ludicrous. Allakhazam and Magelo give information. One can use either Allakhazam or Magelo free of charge. One merely needs to put in a bit more effort to acquire the information if one chooses not to pay for either service."

Making such a comparison is not ludicrous, Magelo and Allas both offer SOME services without charge, however if you want the good stuff... you must pay. It really is that simple. The market place offering "upgraded" xp potions is not so dissimilar. You may quest (at certain times) for lesser XP potions, or you can buy the "upgraded" ones year round, that's a choice.


"Of course that presumes that any one would actually recommend a game to a "friend" that not only requires that they pay for the game as well as the monthly subscription fees but that they will need to spend hundreds of dollars to "join their friends in the latest expansions". I most assuredly would not do something that underhanded to any friend of mine, would you?"

All i can say to this is... what in the world are you talking about? Not only does this not pertain to the post at hand, it's totally irrelevant information.

While some of your points may be valid, you really need to work on your logistics skills if you want to try and appear to be working off of logic rather than using the proverbial apples and oranges.

# Dec 25 2008 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
I would still prefer Sony to reduce bugs, make better, more intelligent game play (even hard stuff perhaps that can't be solved in a week or month or several months), more internal consistency, more "wow" factor (sorry no pun intended WOW players - or Vista users) in the game than card game add ons and cash stores.

Just my 3 cents worth (inflation)
Station Cash
# Dec 22 2008 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
My opinion is that the station cash experience potions are a game breaker in that it presents those that have more discretionary income more of an opportunity to advance their players. The reality is that given 2 players at an equal point one of which has 50 dollars a month discretionary income to throw at station cash. That player's character will progress much faster than someone who scrapes his monthly fee together for his primary source of entertainment in this economically difficult time. Couple that with the fact that with declining server populations membership in top end guilds is harder to get into. I have no objections to enabling players to put a new graphic on their sword or buy a really cool looking mount that performs the same as you can get without station cash. Buying armor and weapons without having to raise the cash in game is also not equitable. So I guess the bottom line for me is lets not punish those that are struggling economically in Everquest by making it harder for them than for those of us that are not struggling yet.
what IS fair, and WHO is using SC?
# Dec 22 2008 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
Hello everyone!

I think the problem is that SOE was vehemently against this kind of thing and then they turn around. Are they greedy? uhm.. I don't think this game exists just for FUN, it is a money maker and so they will do anything to make more money, without killing the dairy cow....

I was in principle against it, but having said this, looking at messages here I am not so sure anymore. It is not game breaking I understand, so that is good. It gives some unfair advantage, for real money, and maybe that is bad.

However, I am a casual player, try to play three evenings a week for about 3 hours and maybe half a day on the weekend, but even that is not always possible. When there is a new level cap I see a lot of people racing to get to it. I couldn't do that, and I sincerely wonder how they get/make the time for it.

Who are these people who have loads of time on their hand? Maybe retired, unemployed, or very rich so they don't have to work all the time, perhaps no other activities in their lives so this is their only hobby and interest? etc etc. Isn't that in itself an unfair advantage? In effect having XP potions enable the casual player to catch up a bit. But... they also have to have the money.

I myself don't care, I am totally behind anyways... I restarted this summer as a returning player with the special offer to "old" players. I looked at my character, no idea anymore how to play her, so I created a twin, started from scratch and it was very nice to get re-acquainted with Everquest and the new zones. But there are not that many to group with and it will take a long time to level up to max. Doesn't matter, I have fun anyways and pair up with my hubby so it's not that bad.

Am not likely to use the station cash though... With my hubby and I both playing EQ and my son playing WoW, our budget is somewhat limited.

I wonder WHO IS using Station Cash??? That would be a good poll...

Ontario, Canada (yes it IS cold here now, but HOT in the summer, don't bring skies in the summer!)
Zweezdaa Female Wood Elf Druid 56 - Stromm
Zenduri Female Erudite Necro 52 - Stromm
Just a thought....
# Dec 22 2008 at 7:19 AM Rating: Default
Eh, I may get flamed for this by countless users, but oh well. The XP potions in station cash aren't game-breaking in any way, no more than Hot-zones or the anniversary XP potions. Granted, you have to pay cash-e-money for the ones in the marketplace, big deal. With the release of the last expansion there were people on the E-marr server that were 85 within a day, that's 1 day, likely using XP potions from LoN. I know that people are complaining about Station Cash costing money, no offense, but I imagine these are the "high enders" that get their rocks off from being the first 1 to level 85 on their server, like it gets them a cookie or something. XP potions don't ruin the game, but it does give a means to stay on top of it. Station Cash is no more "unfair" than Alla's or Magelo, and I believe it to be very unlikely that our beloved Alla's administrator will open his site up for free, or even cut prices, while I'm thankful that he doesn't raise them. Even "mapfiend" offers a service not implemented in game. I never expect to see any kind of feasible raid item from Station Cash, in truth, I expect to see nothing more than what has already been implemented into LoN. Come on people, lighten up, play the game, and enjoy yourselves. In opinion, everyone will use the "free" station cash they received, even if they say they won't, they will, it's human nature to use all available resources. If you're whining about having to spend $5 USD on 500 station cash points to get that 25% double experience potion that lasts 4 hours and doesn't fade on death, then you probably need to start saving your milk-money a little better and ask mommy and daddy to use their debit card to help you out on buying it. If you're all adults posting here, have any type of income and a sane mind. Take a deep breath, realize that this isn't the only time you've not been asked permission about something, change your diaper, and get over it.
(please note that the people that agreed with my opinion or stance on station cash are in no way involved in the whiners that seem to be so against this new feature)
.. Flame on!
Just a thought....
# Dec 22 2008 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
269 posts
Eh, I may get flamed for this by countless users, but oh well. The XP potions in station cash aren't game-breaking in any way, no more than Hot-zones or the anniversary XP potions. Granted, you have to pay cash-e-money for the ones in the marketplace, big deal. With the release of the last expansion there were people on the E-marr server that were 85 within a day, that's 1 day, likely using XP potions from LoN. I know that people are complaining about Station Cash costing money, no offense, but I imagine these are the "high enders" that get their rocks off from being the first 1 to level 85 on their server, like it gets them a cookie or something. XP potions don't ruin the game, but it does give a means to stay on top of it. Station Cash is no more "unfair" than Alla's or Magelo, and I believe it to be very unlikely that our beloved Alla's administrator will open his site up for free, or even cut prices, while I'm thankful that he doesn't raise them. Even "mapfiend" offers a service not implemented in game. I never expect to see any kind of feasible raid item from Station Cash, in truth, I expect to see nothing more than what has already been implemented into LoN. Come on people, lighten up, play the game, and enjoy yourselves. In opinion, everyone will use the "free" station cash they received, even if they say they won't, they will, it's human nature to use all available resources. If you're whining about having to spend $5 USD on 500 station cash points to get that 25% double experience potion that lasts 4 hours and doesn't fade on death, then you probably need to start saving your milk-money a little better and ask mommy and daddy to use their debit card to help you out on buying it. If you're all adults posting here, have any type of income and a sane mind. Take a deep breath, realize that this isn't the only time you've not been asked permission about something, change your diaper, and get over it.
(please note that the people that agreed with my opinion or stance on station cash are in no way involved in the whiners that seem to be so against this new feature)
.. Flame on!

First, paragraphs are your friend. :)

Let's define "game-breaking". If only those who have real life money to spend can purchase items which grant them an advantage over those who do not have the money to spend, that makes the playing field unequal, hence game-breaking.

Funny how people attempt to compare Station Cash XP potions that are purchased with real life money with items that anyone can acquire in-game. Station Cash XP potions are not the same as those earned by anyone doing Special Events quests in-game. Station Cash XP potions are not the same as playing in a Hot Zone where anyone can play. Station Cash XP potions are not the same as those obtained by looting a LoN Booster Pack in-game and happening to find a Loot Card with XP potions in it. I am not sure why that concept appears to be so difficult to grasp.

Funnier still are those who assert that that those complaining are "high enders" and point fingers at people who managed to level to 85 in one day. Just as a point of information, people on every single server managed to level to 85 in one day. So what is your point? Or is your point that you couldn't do it so that makes it somehow reprehensible?

Or did you, perhaps, miss the assertions made by Smedley and Grimwell that the XP potions are designed to "give a leg up" to new and/or returning players? Of course that presumes that any one would actually recommend a game to a "friend" that not only requires that they pay for the game as well as the monthly subscription fees but that they will need to spend hundreds of dollars to "join their friends in the latest expansions". I most assuredly would not do something that underhanded to any friend of mine, would you?

Making comparisons between Station Cash and Allakhazam or Magelo is simply ludicrous. Allakhazam and Magelo give information. One can use either Allakhazam or Magelo free of charge. One merely needs to put in a bit more effort to acquire the information if one chooses not to pay for either service. They do NOT provide in-game items for real life money. gives in-game maps and is available to anyone, free of charge. Again, I am not sure why that concept is so difficult to grasp nor why one would even make such a comparisons. The old "apples to oranges" argument I suppose is easier than using logic.

The assertion that "In opinion, everyone will use the "free" station cash they received, even if they say they won't, they will, it's human nature to use all available resources." is ridiculous. It asserts that it is "human nature" to lie, cheat and buy your way to the top. That may be true of your nature, but it assuredly isn't true of others. The assertion that "I never expect to see any kind of feasible raid item from Station Cash, in truth, I expect to see nothing more than what has already been implemented into LoN." is not only incredibly naive, it indicates that you have not kept up with the statements made by both Smedley and Grimwell.

As for the rest of your assertions with respect to "milk money" and "diapers, they do not merit a response. I make it a point not to engage in a verbal duel with the so obviously unarmed.
Expect the best, plan for the worst
# Dec 22 2008 at 2:29 AM Rating: Decent
If it continues as it is, it wont bother me too much, and i wont use it.

If it progresses into selling good in-game loot, or worse, good stuff you can ONLY get with SC, then i will hate it. And then ill probably quit. Big deal.
station crap
# Dec 22 2008 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
anyway i bet the people who are in favour for this kind of crap
are just the companys own people that post here to defend there own greedyness and crazyness and show that they are not thinking with the commuity but thinking in a way how to secuce the players into giving the company more profit
station crap
# Dec 22 2008 at 7:38 AM Rating: Default
Because people who disagree with you have to be company shills?

It is possible for two intelligent people to look at the exact same evidence and come to different conclusions. Welcome to adulthood.

# Dec 22 2008 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent
just makes me sick that game items are so very expensive
its a game world so make then also game prices like 1 dollar or 50 cent. now it makes me puke that for something what doesnt exist in real live you have to pay 25 dollar,


why could you not do this stuff and let us buy it with game pp or game tribute worth from items? why you got the need to ask real live dollars for game stuff? isnt it enough we pay for our accounts?

why you company dont just say we dont care a fook about you we just want the dollars from you so fast as possible.

it really shows me that its all about the money and not in the player interest or for the players love

this is just greedyness in highest form

its just the greedy company goals become more commercial
and they just do as if we like it without asking anything

the prices are 10000 procent overrated.
if you stuff like this make it then affordable for the kids and not ask 25 dollar for a stupid item which no one really need

this is just another effort to milk the eq cow empty of money

my thoughts
# Dec 21 2008 at 7:05 PM Rating: Default
oookay. People with more money have always had an advantage in EQ.

1. Pay some extra money, and you can 2 box. Or more. The person who can only afford to maintain 1 account is at a disadvantage. Anyone up in arms over this? Nooooooo.

2. Pay some extra money, and you can get a paid subscription to Allakhazam or Magelo. Now you can look up trade skill recipes. And find specific armor, weapon, and aug drops. Yeah, that's an advantage too. You gonna make all that information public, Mr. Allakhazam administrator? Didn't think so.

And for disclosure purposes. I don't 2 box, but I do have a subscription to Magelo. Make of that what you will.

my thoughts
# Dec 24 2008 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
269 posts
oookay. People with more money have always had an advantage in EQ.

1. Pay some extra money, and you can 2 box. Or more. The person who can only afford to maintain 1 account is at a disadvantage. Anyone up in arms over this? Nooooooo.

2. Pay some extra money, and you can get a paid subscription to Allakhazam or Magelo. Now you can look up trade skill recipes. And find specific armor, weapon, and aug drops. Yeah, that's an advantage too. You gonna make all that information public, Mr. Allakhazam administrator? Didn't think so.

And for disclosure purposes. I don't 2 box, but I do have a subscription to Magelo. Make of that what you will.


1.) Someone who has two or more accounts still has to actually play the game to acquire anything. This is another one of those apples to oranges red-herring arguments.

2.) One need not pay a single penny to use to have access to tradeskill information and recipes.
As for information on specific armor, weapons and aug drops, all of that information is available on any number of web sites, no charge. See below just as an example.


Better restaurant analogy
# Dec 21 2008 at 11:45 AM Rating: Excellent
Hedrack wrote:
People really need to wake up. This has next to no effect on anyone. If a bar or restaurant starts selling T-shirts, do you get your panties in a wad and stop going there, just because they want to make a little extra money? It'd be pretty stupid if you do.. not to mention childish as Hell.. which is basically the root of everyone's complaint on this subject... childish jealousy.

Stugein wrote:
This isn't the bar selling you a completely different, unrelated product. This is the bar asking you to pay extra if you want a couple more ice cubes in your scotch.

Actually, it's neither. It's a popular restaurant posting an extra menu at the front with prices quoted for being seated before other people with less cash; a sliding scale for what kind of table you want (extra for a nice window view, or away from the kitchen (or karaoke machine) or the drafty back door; for a more attentive waiter or prettier waitress.

While we all know of the guy who'll slip the host a $20 to get a good table to impress his girl, people generally don't fuss since it doesn't happen often and most people don't notice since it's done quietly. But post prices to make it official and encourage more people to do it? That'll get people up in arms.

Sure, you can still eat there and enjoy the meal (unless they actually try to make your experience not as nice to encourage you to pay extra....) but the thought of someone paying specifically to get treated better than you -- and worsening your experience in the process, since you have to wait more and have no chance at the nice tables unless the richer folks don't happen to be there that day -- rankles.

LoN already irks me. Clerics in my raiding guild are feeling forced to play LoN or buy loot cards in order to get mana familiars, just to keep up. I like WoW's loot cards; I don't mind people playing for true fluff and silly toys. Things that affect game play? No. That makes it a rich man's game, rewarding money instead of skill, time, or effort. Many players play this game to get away from the real world; dragging real world money into the game puts quite a few holes into the illusion.
exp pots
# Dec 21 2008 at 10:46 AM Rating: Default
I dont see why you are whining about SC and the XP pots. in case you didnt realize xp pots have been around for a good while and im not just talking about the anniversary ones either. im talking about legends of norrath loots cards, and yes exp pots are common in those. and sure they only last 30 minutes but hey you get 5 a pop. i used about 30 of them to get to 85 from 75 because i hadnt been able to play on a regular basis for the last two years and hey guess what, it didnt ruin the game i just caught up. there is nothing gamebreaking about any of the station cash crap "yet". the reason you should be mad is because yes it is a greed fueled new feature and they are gouging their loyal customers (some ten years and still going) and giving no warning or explanation before or after it was implemented. so quit your whining about gamebreakers and open yer blinds crack open that window take a deep breath of fresh air and welcome yourself to the real world where companies stop caring about the customer and only care about cold hard cash.
Ive got an example of them just not giving a flying F%*k two days ago my server, the tribunal, had all its zones completely crashed except apparently guild hall, i read in forums. i had chars in all different zones, even tutorial, on mine and 3 of my buddies accounts and couldnt log into one of them. i went to another server... logged in just fine it didnt say my server was down, it let me log to char select it even let me make a new char but hey i couldnt play a dam one of them. i went to the forums, someone had posted something, two hours later there were more posts but not a single pathetic developer to be seen to give any explanation. by this time the server was back up. Not 45 minutes into playing guess what... it happened again. so you see i dont really think they will care if we dont like one thing they implement or if we do. they are in it for the money and dont give a sh*t what you, I or anyone else thinks. they are fishing right now, if they make money from it then i guess majority rules in the player base and it stays, albeit i'll lose a little respect for my peers ingame but still thats all it boils down to... money

Edited, Dec 21st 2008 11:00am by Lonaleb
# Dec 21 2008 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
530 posts
I would like to preface this post by stating that the idea of Station Cash darkens my opinion of SOE, makes me moderately sick, and I am disgusted. But probably not for the same reasons as many of you. Greed (which is very clearly what this is, or based entirely out of) makes me ill.

Do I think this is, or ever will be unbalancing? Not really, and if it does, I don't really care. I play this game for fun, and I get my fun by progressing at my pace on my time when I choose to play. What people refer to as a grind, I find entertaining. I enjoy the challenge of trying to work out my own answers to pulls, quests, events, etc. even when thousands or millions of people have done it before me.

Will I use the 150 free SC point I've been given? Probably. I go through a lot of haste potions, and a bag full of them wouldn't go amiss. When they run out, I'll buy more with the fake online currency I already have, whether it be platinum, radiant crystals, orux, facetum, chronobines, or the next funny money they put in with the next expansion. Will I ever buy more SC points? Not unless they come free with something I would buy anyway for a completely unrelated reason, like the next expansion.

I do not have a problem with other people being the first people to level 85. Or 90. Or 95. It does not upset me that people I don't know killed Kerafyrm in Crystallos before I even knew the zone existed. It does not bother me that if you add up all my AAs between all my toons, you get less than a third of what some of my friends have on a single toon.

Yes, I think it would be a shame to see raid (or current-content raid quality) items show up in /marketplace. Frankly, I think it's a shame /marketplace showed up at all, and real-world cash needs to be donated in order to get this funny money. Other people can drop $100 on 10 experience potions, and it won't affect me at all, aside from a slight shaking of the head, and thinking less of them for it.

...a bar or restaurant starts selling T-shirts...

...the bar asking you to pay extra if you want a couple more ice cubes in your scotch.

I think these two posters are both a little off-base, although Stugein, the second poster was a little closer.

My stand is that this is more in line with the movie theater. You buy your ticket (read: pay your subscription fee) which lets you into the theater. While Popcorn, Soda, Candy, and a plate of Nachos (read: Station Cash) aren't strictly part of the movie, they do make it a hell of a lot more enjoyable for some people, and these items are not available through simply watching the movie. I think paying $15 for two small drinks and a tub of popcorn is retarded, but people line up around the lobby to get them. Even I occasionally do.

Will I buy into this greedy pseudo-currency? No.

Will I get bent out of shape if other people do? No.

Will I take what they hand me essentially for free? Yes.

Will I cancel a subscription to a game I enjoy? Not until another one I like better comes along.

Will elitist A-holes who have a thousand dollars to throw away on experience potions, equipment, etc. beat me to the top? Yes, but they still would even without /marketplace - how much plat does $1000 buy, anyway? /ooc Oferring 2.6Mpp 4 loot rites 2 ur raid!

Chill out, guys. Go enjoy your game. Or don't, it's really a matter of choice.

EDIT: Afterthought

Aren't paying subscribers to Allakhazam doing the same thing? Paying for a service that gives a big advantage, but is otherwise not available in game? GASP! O noz!

Edited, Dec 21st 2008 11:14am by nyteshayd
Jiriki Sa`Onserei, 120/67k AA Wood Elf Ranger
Anadriel Starfire, 120/46k AA High Elf Mage
# Dec 21 2008 at 12:47 AM Rating: Default
You know, they may put a limit on how many Xp-pots you can use in a given time frame. Do you really think they didn't think it through. I play FFxi and we've had Xp-rings for sometime now and it hasn't killed the game. In truth, it has helped players out alot. Like when your party is about to break up and your 2000xp from lvling. This would let you get the XP need o level.You can then turn around and solo Easy pray monsters and Decent Challange monsters with the time that remains. This is espcilly good when your tryig to Farm some stuff to sell to make a few coins. Maybe we should wait and see more information will come out about this ey jumping to conclusions. I mean we don't have all facts yet. Look at it this way they could have just impalmented it and and not given you a warning at all.
# Dec 21 2008 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
269 posts
Look at it this way they could have just impalmented it and and not given you a warning at all.

Umm, that is exactly what they did.
Smedbucks (Station Cash)
# Dec 19 2008 at 1:59 PM Rating: Excellent
269 posts
If anyone is actually interested in reading some of the comments in the various forums, take a peek.


EQII (Some very interesting backpedaling by Smed)





Something else to keep in mind.

Across industries, fewer than one customer in 20 will complain to senior management about a major problem in the quality of a product, and fewer than one in 50 will complain about smaller problems. Therefore most managers are unaware of the extent of the dissatisfaction with their products. Customers just quietly fade away.

Customer dissatisfaction with quality significantly reduces a company’s sales, but several (in our experience, most) companies ignore the dissatisfaction-associated revenue risks because they don’t know how to estimate their magnitude.

Based strictly on Smedley's own comments and habit of backpedaling and his PhD in "New Speak", as well as comments made by Grimwell (Community Relations Manager), rest assured it will not be very long before you will see the sale of items which cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, be described as mere fluff. That should have been apparent on opening day with the inclusion of XP potions.
#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 19 2008 at 1:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Dude whatever, When I was in collage, I hated people that bought items on ebay...
# Dec 20 2008 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
"collage" - Yep, that about says it all doesnt it?
# Dec 19 2008 at 5:06 PM Rating: Good
60 posts
Blah blah blah, I want easy button and willing to pay more to have an advantage, blah blah blah...

Just to save people from reading what you wrote I paraphrased.

So because you spend money you should be able to advance (AA or level) at a faster pace ahead of anyone else that doesn't want to pay in addition to their monthly fee?

Posters of your online toon, using station cash to transfer toons, weapon ornaments, these are fine.

But 2 hour 50% XP bonus potions are the first of the gamebreaking things they are offering. I dont' ever expect to see raid loot or epics or anything like that on there, but someone with disposable income willing to spend it on XP potions, has a leg up on anyone who isn't willing to use the marketplace or their real life funds, and that is UNACCEPTABLE :)

Edited, Dec 19th 2008 7:16pm by Mahlon
# Dec 20 2008 at 5:21 AM Rating: Default
I just woke up, so I might be a bit fuzzy on this. I don't see how XP potions are "game breaking"! Okay, so, if someone wanted to drop a couple hundred USD to buy tens of thousands of SC to buy oodles of XP potions, they can level faster than you. Wow, like someone who wanted it that bad wasn't going to level faster than you already! Sure, without XP potions they wouldn't be sleeping during the two days it would take them to bridge a new 5-level cap, so you could look at this as them simply buying some sleep that weekend. ;)

I guess I'm just too far away from being an 'uber' player to not be sensitive to the emotional distress of having someone beat me to the next cap. Doesn't damage game play itself in any way that I can perceive!

Fight with Honor and Triumph!
Gealaen Gaiamancer
Leader, <Wayfarers of Veeshan> Unrest Server
XP pots are da debil
# Dec 19 2008 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
60 posts
The biggest shame IMO about the marketplace are the XP potions, and if you don't think their appearance there will change the game, then you are only being naive. Just wait til the next level raising expansion....

Cheapening of the experience of leveling, and giving those who can afford the real life $ tag price, an advantage over others, who pay the same monthly fee.

Rest of the crap, whatever, but for them to think that 2 hour 50% experience bonus potions that last through death aren't game changing, like I said is naive and ignorant.

<Edited: To change from 4 hour to 2 hours on the duration of the experience potions; my bad>

Edited, Dec 19th 2008 7:17pm by Mahlon
# Dec 19 2008 at 11:29 AM Rating: Default
People really need to wake up. This has next to no effect on anyone. If a bar or restaurant starts selling T-shirts, do you get your panties in a wad and stop going there, just because they want to make a little extra money? It'd be pretty stupid if you do.. not to mention childish as Hell.. which is basically the root of everyone's complaint on this subject... childish jealousy.
# Dec 19 2008 at 12:36 PM Rating: Excellent
Hedrack wrote:
People really need to wake up. This has next to no effect on anyone. If a bar or restaurant starts selling T-shirts, do you get your panties in a wad and stop going there, just because they want to make a little extra money? It'd be pretty stupid if you do.. not to mention childish as Hell.. which is basically the root of everyone's complaint on this subject... childish jealousy.

This isn't the bar selling you a completely different, unrelated product. This is the bar asking you to pay extra if you want a couple more ice cubes in your scotch.

The problem people have with SC isn't what is being offered now, it's the potential of what may be offered going forward. It begins with harmless "fluff" items to get people amenable to the idea of a pay-for-item service. Then when everyone is nice and complacent and SC is just "part of the game", the heavier gameplay advantage items start trickling in; your damage shields, complete heals, power regen, and yes eventually usable equipment.
# Dec 21 2008 at 11:36 AM Rating: Default
Hedrack wrote:
People really need to wake up. This has next to no effect on anyone. If a bar or restaurant starts selling T-shirts, do you get your panties in a wad and stop going there, just because they want to make a little extra money? It'd be pretty stupid if you do.. not to mention childish as Hell.. which is basically the root of everyone's complaint on this subject... childish jealousy.

Stugein wrote:
This isn't the bar selling you a completely different, unrelated product. This is the bar asking you to pay extra if you want a couple more ice cubes in your scotch.

Actually, it's neither. It's a popular restaurant posting an extra menu at the front with prices quoted for being seated before other people with less cash; a sliding scale for what kind of table you want (extra for a nice window view, or away from the kitchen (or karaoke machine) or the drafty back door; for a more attentive waiter or prettier waitress.

While we all know of the guy who'll slip the host a $20 to get a good table to impress his girl, people generally don't fuss since it doesn't happen often and most people don't notice since it's done quietly. But post prices to make it official and encourage more people to do it? That'll get people up in arms.

Sure, you can still eat there and enjoy the meal (unless they actually try to make your experience not as nice to encourage you to pay extra....) but the thought of someone paying specifically to get treated better than you -- and worsening your experience in the process, since you have to wait more and have no chance at the nice tables unless the richer folks don't happen to be there that day -- rankles.

Edited, Dec 21st 2008 2:38pm by Quats
# Dec 19 2008 at 1:29 PM Rating: Default
If the issue isnt whats being offered now, but rather what might be offered, then you're getting all worked up over something that may or may not come to pass. Get over it.. it's a game, not something you have to do in the first place. If there's any chance they'll start offering raid level equipment through this program, then it's a very minimal chance.

It more or less is a completely new and different product, as you put it, since the game ran for nearly a decade without it so it's not a big deal. It's not a very hard concept to understand, we're not talking quantum physics here.
# Dec 20 2008 at 10:34 PM Rating: Good
9 posts
I'm gonna toss out my 2cp just for the heck and play the devil's advocate.

Firstly, when you say its "not something you have to do," you're correct. Alternately, its something people have chosen to do - and enjoyed doing - for years.

In response to your "ran for nearly a decade without it" quote, again, you're correct. EQ has run for nearly a decade "without it." Is it needed?

Personally, I enjoyed using the adventure pots and also enjoy my "lessons" ability. I will not be buying the items as I generally solo or play with an irl friend (but could afford it).

The thing I've noticed most about EQ since coming back (I took a few years off) is that the middle zones and levels are now extremely neglected. Maybe its just nostalgia, but there was something to the grind and the ensuing pleasure of creating a plane-worthy char. Now you simply PL super quick up the hotzone tree so you can camp the GL. Anyways...that's my rant and mini-flame...enjoy!

Crakn Skulz on the Tribunal
# Dec 21 2008 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
You do make some good points.

You mention the mid levels being neglected so that could be a good reason to use the double exp potions... because face it, exping at the high levels is rediculously stupid, double exp or not.
# Dec 19 2008 at 5:11 PM Rating: Decent
60 posts
You are right, not quantum mechanics, so you should be able to realize that XP Potions that last 4 hours and through death ARE game changing, and the cat is already out of the bag as far as things that are effecting the game.

If you pay for XP potions you have an advantage over those who do not, and even if the rest is fluff, this one item in and of itself does effect the server. It might not be so noticeable now, just wait until the next level raising expansion. Do those people who race to be the first max level not deserve to be in the running without putting out more real life cash than their monthly subscription?
# Dec 20 2008 at 11:13 AM Rating: Default
So some people will level/AA faster than you... big deal. Like I said, 12 year old jealousy... MOMMY MOMMY SOMEONE IS LEVELING FASTER THAN ME WHAAAAAAAAAAA!

Grow up.
# Dec 19 2008 at 9:06 PM Rating: Default
You don't think that some of these toons already have elixirs held over from the anniverary quest? I am baffled why this is a game changer. I know people with still over 50 exp pots left over from that quest and we are almost to the next anniversary. Everyone who has a vet reward for double exp... You're saying "You can't do the race to be Number One and use your 'lesson'. How goober do you have to be to even be in that race in the first place (no job, no life, etc...), I mean 5 level in 1 day is insane. How does one even enjoy the game going that fast. My point is that it is their game, they didn't ask you to help create content or you'd be walking around with a "Big Tricked Out Name Badge" with SoE in it with your name. And I'm not on their side either, if we don't like it.. we need to find another game. At the moment, it doesn't affect my game in a negitive way; when it does I will leave it. Sony knows what is going on, it is a B U S I N E S S. BUT, if we all do feedback and we are in the minority, we lose out. And obviously we are, or they'd get the clue and get rid of it.
# Dec 19 2008 at 11:33 PM Rating: Good
269 posts
You don't think that some of these toons already have elixirs held over from the anniverary quest? I am baffled why this is a game changer. I know people with still over 50 exp pots left over from that quest and we are almost to the next anniversary. Everyone who has a vet reward for double exp... You're saying "You can't do the race to be Number One and use your 'lesson'. How goober do you have to be to even be in that race in the first place (no job, no life, etc...), I mean 5 level in 1 day is insane. How does one even enjoy the game going that fast. My point is that it is their game, they didn't ask you to help create content or you'd be walking around with a "Big Tricked Out Name Badge" with SoE in it with your name. And I'm not on their side either, if we don't like it.. we need to find another game. At the moment, it doesn't affect my game in a negitive way; when it does I will leave it. Sony knows what is going on, it is a B U S I N E S S. BUT, if we all do feedback and we are in the minority, we lose out. And obviously we are, or they'd get the clue and get rid of it.

1.) Elixirs were an in-game item obtained through a quest, i.e.: someone took the time and effort to complete the quest and obtained a reward. Comparing an in-game item obtained by actually playing the game to an item which is purchased with real life cash is the old apples to oranges argument.

2.) SoE IS asking players for ideas for additional items (See above for various links) for which they are NOT offering compensation, which they then intend to SELL back to the players. No "Big Tricked out Name Badge" forthcoming.

3.) The assumption that merely because Sony is a business it knows what is going on is incredibly naive. If that true, the U.S. economy, not to mention the stock market and the auto industry, would not be in need of a bailout. ;)

The problem is that the vast majority of consumers do not make their complaints known to companies therefore most managers are unaware of dissatisfaction with a product. Customer dissatisfaction with quality significantly reduces a company’s sales, but several (in our experience, most) companies ignore the dissatisfaction-associated revenue risks because they don’t know how to estimate their magnitude. If you check the above links, you will notice that the cons vastly outweigh the pros in the case of Smedbucks(Station Cash)
# Dec 20 2008 at 4:54 AM Rating: Default
Whips out the Gnome Fire Extinguisher

Wow, I think I got caught up into a flame on game here which wasn't my intention. All I wanted to say is that I have a problem with everyones assumption that someone who wants to buy pots, even 100% exp pots are "game changers". My original point got lost in a whole of stuff that wasn't intentional. My point was whose game are you talking about? My game is different then your game, your game is different then mine and BOTH of our games are different then Tickpit's (see above). You're using YOUR term of GAME as it is written in stone, it isn't! Look, if everyone has to be on the same playing field then it can only be live certain times of the day, which still hurts people who work or can't be on at that time, we'd all have the same buffs with same buff timers, I couldn't 6 box toons to make my own group, there wouldn't be 6 hour raids (because I can't do that), the invulnerabilty pots I have on my tank ARE GAME changers that I got from LoN, we all get every expansion when they came out for the cost of the subscription (hey, if I can't afford it because of RL stuff, it shouldn't change my game, , I have tons of examples of how you have adavantages over me and I have over you. Game changing is awful generic, if it is a game changer for you, DON'T BUY IT. Wow, case solved.

Edited, Dec 20th 2008 9:11am by FladerTheFound
This is Great!
# Dec 20 2008 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
Smedbucks? Big-Tricked-Out-Name-Badge? Gnome Fire Extinguisher?

All of the other issues aside (mercifully) ... I have to thank Sony for stirring up this much of an amusing discussion. I've gotten some good laughs out of it, and after the first day of dealing with the silly emotional responses, it looks like people on both sides are at least behaving rationally. Or close enough.

Incidentally, I like it when gnomes catch on fire. Har! (My gnomish alchemist seems to, often!)

Fight with Honor and Triumph!
Gealaen Gaiamancer
Leader, <Wayfarers of Veeshan> Unrest Server
Haven't Noticed
# Dec 19 2008 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
Since the introduction of Station Cash I haven't noticed any change to my game-play...

I'll withhold judgment until such time that this has a negative influence on my playtime at which point I will demand compensation for the mental anguish it has caused (10 or 20 exp potions will do).

Thank you.
Not a horrible idea
# Dec 19 2008 at 4:34 AM Rating: Default
It's not so bad really. Yes they are looking into what else can be added, but I do believe that if SOE wants people to continue playing the game, they realize they can't sell the high end gear. They appear to be taking only reasonable suggestions and have already said not to request epics. That being said, buying xp potions will do nothing but hasten a player to start an alt if they have a lot of money and high play time. This is nothing game breaking at the moment nor is it unbalancing.
This sucks
# Dec 19 2008 at 2:50 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
The next thing they will start selling is plat. That is the only way they will put the plat sellers out of business. Sell something that they can create, that sellers have to farm, at a cheaper price. Then watch the prices of everything in EQ go through the roof.

Have fun with it if you use it, I will not be.
# Dec 19 2008 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent

Didnt SWG have a vocal minority of players?? and look how well that game faired since the "vocal minority" up and left the game.

Pull the other one hun this is crap and if you support it then the games buggered..becuase if you honestly believe they'll leave it at fluff item then you're going to be proved wrong,its what cash shops in f2p mmos do,sell you stuff to get ahead.

Look at the new house pet..if that wasnt destined to be a necro pet than i'm a dutchman..becuase its awfully similar to the new conjy pet (in a necro sort of way) so its started already within a week of going live..(oyu have to love the way they pushed it to the servers too)WTG SOE.

The new year will be the time to tell if this issue is hurting the game..peoples subs will have run out atm its far to early to tell..ask again in jan/feb.

fozziefozzie..part of the vocal minority

Edited, Dec 19th 2008 5:36am by fozziefozzie
station crap
# Dec 18 2008 at 9:23 PM Rating: Default
Hmmm..where to start..
First off I could see this coming when the LoN game came out and they were selling packs of cards with a chance to get better loot. Mounts that are pretty damn fast, exp pots, etc.. and personally I did't like then and I don't like it now. But it is their game, they can do what they want. I won't use it.

But I personally don't think that ONE (or even 1000) 4 hour 50% exp pot will change the game that much when we cry for double exp weekends (that is 100% at 3 DAYS) or that during the anniversary month we can make as many exp pots as we desire if we spend the time and money to have a second account to last a whole year (which technically isn't required if you use the shared bank to store for the other account). And when we already have zones with bonus exp (25%) built in. What is "game breaking" about having toons be a higher level? Game breaking in my book is having weapons/gear at raid level or over what you can get in game. Geez, even a 70/70 aug in my book isn't game breaking.

When I can't stand seeing idiots that want to spend money on a game (wait that means me too cuz I spend tons of money on 6 accounts a month to keep them active) to buy crap that means nothing but "Hey look at me, I'm an idiot with more money than brains" (like the idiots that sit on a new type mount in the bazaar, hallways of the lobby, in the guild hall, etc..) then I'll leave it. That is called a free market, unfortunately that will be too late for SoE who is already losing more and more each day to a game that has content that is years old and they can't even fix what they have out before they spew out more. This is a business, there are no friends in business, there are no buddies in business. Those always ruin a business. If you want a buddy or friend, you shouldn't be looking at SONY.. sorry.

But I do understand everyone's feeling on this I have them too, but I see the bigger picture too. THIS IS A BUSINESS.
one really dumb idea
# Dec 18 2008 at 8:05 PM Rating: Good
16 posts
Well now, since SOE has decided to do this. I think SOE should just allow every thing. SOE should have just cut the competition of the plat sellers out a long time ago and sold it themselves. They probably do now any way.

They should allow players to sell their accounts. So what the heck this should be a go for those that like it and use it.

Myself well... it made me reconsider a great deal whether or not to even continue my subscription. I thought about switcihing to EQII (especially since I bought the expansion for Christmas for my spouse and myself) but I realize that it is there as well. So, I have been thinking long and hard about this and I think with this addition to make the game so easy for every one that I might have to return my game unopened and cut my loses and find some thing else to play.

Yes, I know I don't have to use it but I think of all the things they could have done to improve the game. Things like fixing or continuing uncompleted quests, fixing the 'bugs' in game, giving us back all the nerfed stuff.

Actually... equalizing all the races/classes and then there is the tradeskills etc.

Over all I think that this is positively the worst thing they could have created and done. Especially since they didn't even give us enough in game cash to buy some thing... it just blows... I know... because we are protesting they will make loot drops and dork the loot tables even more then what they have with the odd no longer worth the effort to get trade skill pelts and stuff.

That was a odd thing when it occurred and I really thought the merc's was a bad idea. It's worse even more so then the removing or rather 'adding' the ability for hybrid to create their own spells. This is... well it totally blows big green chunks and those that like I would guess that they use it even though they keep protesting that they don't. this is one really dumb idea SOE. Get over yourselves and listen to your players other wise there won't be any left. Then again... maybe that is what they are planning in the long wrong OR they will just force all the EQ players to EQII. I am truly surprised that, that hasn't happened already and yeah that is a dumb idea too.
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