Developer Lists Reasons WotLK is 'A Little Easy'

Ever since Wrath of the Lich King was released, there's been numerous discussions among players regarding whether it's too easy or not. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, and so are the game's developers. Allakhazam poster Nikkelmand has shared in our general forum a post from Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street that covers this issue. It was buried in a thread regarding DPS balance in raids.

Ghoscrawler made five points in his post and leads off with the comment, "We know heroics and raids are a little easy right now, and we're okay with that ." His final point, which I feel sums up his post, is below. You can read the rest after the jump, and discuss them in Nikkelmand's thread here.

5) We knew we were messing with class balance quite a bit, so it's nice that things are a little easier right now. It gives the players time to learn the new spells and abilities and gives us a chance to see how things really work out in the actual game with thousands of people beating on the mechanics. We'll continue to make adjustments as necessary. It's an MMO. Things change over time.

Here's Ghostcrawler's full post:

You have to be a little careful if you sling this around. What we don’t want is for your class mechanics to hold you back if you are vying to do the best dps you can. We are not at all guaranteeing that every raid will end up with all the dps classes within 5% of each other. The biggest factor will be skill, followed by gear and then just random luck.

We know heroics and raids are a little easy right now, and we're okay with that. Consider:

1) If you're 80 already, you are a relatively hardcore player. Most WoW players are not 80 yet. If it's easy for you, it's not easy for everybody.

2) We want more players to see the content. Naxxramas and Malygos are cool! We want people to see them. Heck, we brought Naxx back in part because so few people had seen it.

3) Very few of the people who are saying WoW is EZ mode have done Satharion with 3 drakes yet. Give that a shot then get back to us. :)

4) Ulduar will be harder. It still might be do-able by more than the most elite 5% of players, but it will be a lot more challenging. And we'll continue to have "hard modes" that are even more challenging. We'll make sure some of these challenges offer appropriate rewards.

5) We knew we were messing with class balance quite a bit, so it's nice that things are a little easier right now. It gives the players time to learn the new spells and abilities and gives us a chance to see how things really work out in the actual game with thousands of people beating on the mechanics. We'll continue to make adjustments as necessary. It's an MMO. Things change over time.


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