Long Maintance is Over and In-Game Mail Issues

The servers are finally coming back up after a long extended maintance where some issues occured. The issue happens to have caused a loss of all in-game mail. Do not worry though Blizzard will be sending everything back to you that was in the mail over the next few days! Read the full post by Blizzard explaining it here.


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# Nov 12 2008 at 8:31 AM Rating: Default
The maintenance is NOT over, it's STILL BROKEN!

WoW maintenance is AWEFUL, worst ever, we have 50-100 days down time per year as a result. Why can't they just leave the damn game alone for a couple weeks so we could actually enjoy it??

No way I'm buying expansion, it'll be six months before the games working correctly after this crap.

What a joke, 2 days downtime due to normal maintenance right before Lich King release, talk about deflating folks excitement, I don't even want the damn frustrating POS game now.
# Nov 12 2008 at 1:22 PM Rating: Default
*snuffle* poor li'l bunkie. does you needs a hug?
maybe you can use the down time to take some english(aweful??), math(50-100. server on your home planet bad there?) or anger management classes.
you want real problems? go play everquest!
maybe you can have a kicking screaming fit in the middle of walmart and get your mommy to buy it for you, like she does your hot wheels.
if anything ever goes right for you in your sad little world, please to let us know, thanks.
wow down again
# Nov 12 2008 at 6:19 AM Rating: Decent
After waiting all day yesterday and no luck.Much to my surprise I wake up today and they are down again.What is really going on!!!!!!
wow down again
# Nov 12 2008 at 8:31 AM Rating: Decent
132 posts
It came up briefly around 11pm or so, although not all worlds went up (Dalaran, as far as I know, was never online).

Someone found out that the Arena vendors were giving away free stuff. Hunters could go up and get the off-hand axe just by clicking on it. I saw a priest in trade chat saying that the vendor he went to gave him a full set of Merciless armor for free.

I have to say, it'd be a great idea for Bliz to have a place to test these patches before they went live. Somewhere that they could find out about things like this, the e-mail bug and all the other crap that's kept the game seemingly down more than it has been up for the last 3 weeks. They could call it... I don't know... a test realm.
Up or down?
# Nov 12 2008 at 5:51 AM Rating: Decent
Is WoW working or not? I cannot log on to either of my characters.
It is like they have disappeared. Anyone else having this issue?
I know I will not buy the expansion pack til things are cleared
Nice response
# Nov 11 2008 at 9:47 PM Rating: Decent
I love Allakhazam but I am going to QQ Officially.

The ONLY news updates I have gotten ALL DAY have come from "Wowinsider.com" about this issue...I was dumbfounded and disappointed that my HOMEPAGE kept silent about this issue officially ALL DAY except for the myriad QQ/Commiseration posts made in your forums.

Alla has fallen a notch for me personally.

Go ahead and flame me....I still LOVE this website. I was just disappointed about the lack of info about what is going on. This "IS" the Alla WoW website right? I didn't accidentally click the FFXI site.....or another one?

Take care, Good Luck, and have Fun,

Edited, Nov 12th 2008 12:48am by PrometheusUnbound
Nice response
# Nov 11 2008 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
Gotta give U a nod on this one Prometheus ... I mean how bleedin wrong can U get it here? Not only is the game off line, but the forums and even the web site are down. I think I hear a swan singing and she is singin the same song I heard when I left Earth and Beyond, when I left Everquest ... et al. The only people that will stay are the people that have not discovered that U can chat online WITHOUT the game.

OK - that was the HATEFUL version. How about the objective version

1. Who has more hits per day?
a) Google.com
b) Microsoft.com
c) Worldofwarcraft.com

2. Has anyone ever take the time to look at ATVI's (Activision / Blizzard's Stockprospectus):
PERIOD ENDING 30-Jun-08 31-Mar-08 31-Dec-07 30-Sep-07
Total Revenue 654,203 602,451 1,482,484 317,746
Cost of Revenue 380,174 350,229 762,290 204,956

Gross Profit 274,029 252,222 720,194 112,790

Operating Expenses
Research Development 50,040 79,052 124,501 33,085
Selling General and Administrative 143,854 118,637 191,159 89,250
Non Recurring - - - -
Others - - - -

Total Operating Expenses - - - -

Operating Income or Loss 80,135 54,533 404,534 (9,545)

3. Yes they make allot of money but it looks to me as if they have a reasonable overhead management issue and that translates to they will minimize at every aspect that they can. Now granted the above information is for the entire corporation and not just WoW, but MMOG revenues tend to be riding a wave - you better get up on top fast and enjoy it because U R gonna hit the beach at some point in the not too distant future.

Thing that bugs me is that I pay for a site like allakhazam and they are so quick to put a happy face on this rather than report on it. Wait - what am I thinkin'?
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