2 Achievements are Currently Bugged
Tigole has informed us that two achievements are currently bugged: "Champion of the Frozen Wastes " and "A Simple Re-Quest."
Until fixes can be implemented, here's what you need to know: don't enter a battleground while working on "A Simple Re-Quest" if you really want to finish it now, and killing Malygos is a "hidden" criteria for "Champion of the Frozen Wastes" that is not appearing for players.
The full posts can be found below.
Champion of the Frozen Wastes:
The Champion of the Frozen Wastes achievement currently has a bug. There is a "hidden" criteria to kill Malygos in the achievement that is not displaying to characters. This can result in a player thinking that he has completed all of the necessary requirements to fulfill the achievement but not receive credit.
Please be advised that killing Malygos is required for the achievement. In an upcoming client patch (we're unable to hotfix this and it cannot be done for 3.0.3), the Malygos criteria will display properly.
A Simple Re-Quest:
There is currently an issue with "A Simple Re-Quest". The achievement has a bug that will sometimes cause it to reset if you enter a Cross-Realm Battleground. We have a fix in place for this that will go live with patch 3.0.3 (soon). In the meantime, if you absolutely want this achievement, the best thing to do is to not enter a BG while working on it. Many apologies.
... As an update, there seem to be additional bugs with this particular achievement. 3.0.3 fixes some but not all. We'll continue to research a fix. Apologies once again.