Bejeweled Add-on now available for WoW

Just when I thought I had seen it all, there is a new add-on for WoW, reminiscent of the old days of playng "Gems" in EverQuest. That's right, the folks over at PoPCap have released their own add-on for World Of Warcraft and they have been gracious enough to share it with us at our sister site WoWInterface. You heard me, those of you who love the game and love wow now have the ability to do both at once. Waiting for that raid to form up? Fire this up and kill some time, on a loooooong flight and don't want to alt-tab? Fire up some Bejeweled action! 

Taken directly from their site here :

So when we learned we could actually implement Bejeweled inside WoW through an Add-On, we were intrigued. Soon the PopCap 'guild' was figuring out ways to make the mod even cooler and more comprehensive... and now it's almost ready to be unleashed.

Features include:

  • Classic, Timed and "Flight" modes.
  • Incredible graphics, animation, sounds and explosions.
  • Customizable UI, with scaling, and auto-open, etc.
  • Bejeweling 'tradeskill' ranks up with your achievements.
  • Persistent High Score lists: compete with friends and guild members.
  • Free! Yes, absolutely FREE!

Click Here to try it out

How to Play:
Bejeweled Add-on for WoW installs like any other mod. Simply extract the file into your WoW Interface/Addons directory, then launch WoW and type /Bejeweled to play!

©2000, 2008 PopCap Games, Inc. All rights reserved. This application is being made available free of charge for your personal, non-commercial entertainment use, and is provided "as is", without any warranties. PopCap Games, Inc. will have no liability to you or anyone else if you choose to use it. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the
trademarks of their respective owners.

Questions? Problems with the Addon? Email: .




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