Newest WotLK beta patch update

The newest build is out for the beta (our patch notes will be updated asap) and here is a little blurb from one of the Blues about the Rogue lovin that just came down the pipe:

"Hello rogues,

We’ve got some updates coming soon for the rogue class and I wanted to duck in and give you a sneak preview of what we’ve been working on as well as our future goals. Below are lists (by no means exhaustive) of some of these changes and goals."

- Quality of life improvements: Removal of various reagents (Thieves’ Tools, Flash Powder) as well as a Poisons skill change. We’re removing the Poisons skill and making the finished poisons available on vendors for purchase. This should free up a fair amount of bag space.
- Envenom: Now also increases your chance to apply poisons by 25% for 2-6 seconds (based on combo points).
- Wounding Poison: No longer stacks. The first application now reduces healing by 50%.
- Anesthetic Poison: Now also removes one Enrage effect from the target.
- Evasion, Sprint, Vanish: Cooldown reduced to 3 minutes. (Talents that reduce cooldown take this down to 2 minutes.)
- Cloak of Shadows: Cooldown increased to 2 minutes. (Elusiveness now reduces this cooldown to 1 minute.)
- A new level 75 ability has been designed. This is going to be one of the bigger teases as we’re not quite ready to talk about this one yet. I will say that will add some much needed group utility.
- Fan of Knives: Weapon normalization to equalize effectiveness regardless of weapons carried.

- Mutilate: No longer requires you be behind the target.
- Relentless Strikes: Talent is too “required” and will be made more accessible. Vigor will replace its spot in the tree and a new talent will be created to fill Vigor’s spot.
- Find Weakness: Made passive to cut down on the number of triggered effects that either don’t affect gameplay or affect it in a negative way.
- Cut to the Chase: No longer requires a critical Eviscerate or Envenom. The finisher just has to land.
- Hunger for Blood: Now removes any harmful physical effect instead of Bleed or Magic effects. Bleed effects will still be removed (as all are physical) as well as effects like Mortal Strike, Aimed Shot, Expose Armor etc…

- Riposte: Now generates a combo point.
- Mace Specialization: This will grant armor penetration when using a mace. (The warrior talent will as well.)
- Deflection: Reduced to 3 ranks for 2/4/6% parry. This should soften the prereq for Riposte.
- Fist Weapon Specialization: Merged with Dagger Specialization.
- Dagger Specialization: Renamed Close Quarters Combat, moved to tier 3.
- Dual Wield Specialization: Moved to tier 1. Lightning Reflexes swapped locations with it and still needs a little more “oomph”.
- Unfair Advantage and Stay of Execution: Change to more offensive/utility (read mobility) talents. Too much defense on this tier.
- Killing Spree: Weapon normalization to equalize effectiveness regardless of weapons carried.

- More attractive Tier 1 to draw in all types of builds.
- Fewer dagger specific talents to allow additional build options.
- Wrongfully Accused: Reviewed. This talent doesn’t fit well in this location. May be moved lower and/or redesigned.
- Shadow Dance: A bit awkward at the moment. Due for some polish and some design tweaks.

Plenty to do still as you can see. As I mentioned, this isn’t everything we’ve got our eye on but gives you something to discuss and look for in an upcoming beta patch. Please add to the list anything you think needs special attention.


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no more pvp, no more WoW
# Sep 01 2008 at 4:44 AM Rating: Decent
It's crazy that they're even considering buffing rogues like this. Already, PvP groups with several rogues (or hunters for that matter) are just about unstoppable. If they go through with this, it'll probably be the end of my PvPing days, and since PvP is my favorite part of WoW, this could very well be what kills my interest in the game. I almost hope they go through with it, so I can get my life back.
# Aug 30 2008 at 3:54 PM Rating: Default
More NERFS.....Rogues are way overpowered, i hate them with a passion. NERF their cooldowns or something. They get ahold of me and i'm stunned until im dead. Sooo aggravating! Please do something, someone.
# Aug 31 2008 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
45 posts
If you die while still in stunlock from a rogue there are a few things that might be wrong....

1. You have less than 200 resil and you get mad when an S3 rogue roflstomps you.
2. You werent at full health and dont have a healer.
3. Your brain didnt fire off the signal to trinket out of Kidney Shot because even if they blind you and start over there will be diminishing returns.
true but...
# Aug 30 2008 at 12:49 AM Rating: Excellent
1,225 posts
That's true but
Hunger for Blood: Now removes any harmful physical effect instead of Bleed or Magic effects. Bleed effects will still be removed (as all are physical) as well as effects like Mortal Strike, Aimed Shot, Expose Armor etc…
looks interesting. It'll be nice to remove more than just magic effects.
Cloak nerf=Not cool.
# Aug 29 2008 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
- Cloak of Shadows: Cooldown increased to 2 minutes. (Elusiveness now reduces this cooldown to 1 minute.)

GG, if this goes through, combat rogues are gonna be pissed. Cloak is their best friend when they don't get dispelled.. Honestly.. who the hell will spec into elusiveness to get this?

*speaking from a combat rogues PoV. Not a pvper*

And even for PvP rogues this is gonna suck if they are combat or mut.
Cloak nerf=Not cool.
# Aug 30 2008 at 3:23 PM Rating: Default
4,684 posts
No reason to whine I suppose. Vanish, evasion ánd sprint all go down to three minutes, and one of those will be 2 minutes. Now all I need is a talent calculator...
Cloak nerf=Not cool.
# Aug 30 2008 at 7:55 PM Rating: Good
If you don't like being stunned to death, roll a warrior or paly, or w/e that can take the beating.

As for a talent calculator, go to and click on the WotLK stuff and you'll find it.
Cloak nerf=Not cool.
# Aug 30 2008 at 12:13 PM Rating: Default
there're times when I could've used CoS before the CD was up, but honestly, those were few and far between. I'm just glad we still have it :P
Cloak nerf=Not cool.
# Aug 30 2008 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
Good point.

There is also more in this that I like than I dislike. Speaking as a rogue.
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