Daily Update and new patch

There was another patch today aimed at reducing lag. I have to admit that the lag does seem significantly better since the last one. So keep bringing on those patches. In addition, Funcom posted a new update in their community section dealing with customer support and exploits. Here is the full text of the post: First of all I want to thank each and one of you for being part of the Anarchy Online community. The servers are getting better and better by the hour, we remove pesky bugs all the time, people are really enjoying themselves in the game, and more and more people log on. Or support department has really turned up the speed on the email communication with you, our customers. We still get a lot of mail but we feel we will soon have the situation under control. We also see that a lot of people send us mails that says "your server is down". This isn’t useful to us. We have people that monitor the servers every second, every hour, every day. All the time. If you have a problem and you want us to know about it, please let us know with as much detail as possible and exactly when it happened. Another thing that is being debated a lot now, is the use of exploits in the game. We know that there are some there. We haven’t done anything about them yet, since we didn’t want to punish you for our mistakes, but we are pretty sure we have managed to fix the worst of the exploits now. As a result of this, we will from now on start to take action against people that use exploits in the game. We will view it on a case to case basis and decide on an outcome for each single case. If you by accident find an exploit, please report it to a GM as soon as possible. In addition to this, I want to add that if you have been afraid that someone will ruin the game with credits exploits, you do not need to worry. None of the exploits have really been that bad in our view. Even though it seems like a lot of credits to have one million credits now, believe me, it's not that much when you get higher up in the level system.


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